BlackBerry Addiction: Coming to an Office Near You

Do you have a BlackBerry? Do you find yourself addicted to the tiny keyboard and blinking red light? Does your “CrackBerry” sit on your nightstand at night, in case an email arrives while you dreamily sleep through the early morning? You just might have BlackBerry addiction.

Human Law found an interesting article from the Independent concerning the rising numbers of people addicted to their BlackBerries. To make the situation more interesting, it seems like some …

Google Desktop Provides Seamless Information Flow

As a lawyer or law student, I’ll bet you spend a lot of time switching back and forth between Outlook and other programs all day. I know I used to. I say “used to” because I know have a solution that provides seamless information flow between Outlook and my eyes, without any user interaction.

Enter Google Desktop

If you have not heard of Google Desktop, you should definitely check it out. When it first hit the market, Google’s Desktop app focused on search abilities. Google has now extended this functionality to include an awesome “sidebar” …

Automated Phone Tree, Courtesy of Pheeder

I just found a great new service, pointed out by the [non]billable hour.

Basically, you enter phone number and the numbers of people you want to contact. Pheeder then calls you to record your name and message. Pheeder will then call your friends and pass the message on to them. Two-way communication is allowed: your friends can record a message, and then Pheeder calls you back so you can hear it.

One awesome way to use this, suggested by the [non]billable hour, would be to cancel client appointments if …

Digital File Management for Lawyers and Individuals

I have blogged many times about using technology to simplify your life. In fact, I have talked about using a digital file system instead of paper. This post at Rob Witham’s website really renewed my interest in the prospect of going all digital and not keeping papers hanging around. In Rob’s own words:

Convert your paper filing cabinet to a digital filing cabinet. Scanning and saving records digitally saves space and makes it easier to retrieve documents. I converted to …

Harness the Power of Word Cross-References for Mammoth Documents

I just moved a paragraph in my research paper, and now my Table of Contents and footnotes are not correct! Has this ever happened to you? How many times have you composed a long Word document, only to have a simple edit screw up your numbered elements?

You need to harness the power of cross-references. Whether your document is a brief, a pleading, a research paper, or your new novel, Word cross-references will solve many of your problems.


The primary use I have found for Word bookmarks is to make a Table of Contents for your document in progress. …

Mobile Edition of Legal Andrew, Now Available

For all of you Blackberry and other handheld device addicts, I have created a mobile edition of this site. Actually, Alex King’s Wordpress Mobile Edition plugin did the work for me.

To view the mobile edition, direct your browser to Now you can view the latest productivity tips and ideas anywhere you are. If you like this, your feed reader might have a mobile option as well. I know Bloglines does.

You can use these mobile editions to save time. During my …

Quickly Browse Lexis, Google, and Other Search Results within Firefox

How many times a day do you click links on web pages to browse to “Next” or “Previous” pages? Or, more appropriately, how many times a day to you search for something on the web? This includes using Lexis, Google, MSN, Windows Live, Yahoo, and Technorati. What about shopping on sites like Amazon or even browsing the online catalog of your local library? I’ll bet that you click “Next” and “Previous” several dozen (if not …

Firefox Extension Checks Spelling in Lexis, Westlaw, and Other Web Forms

How many times have you typed a misspelled word into Lexis or Westlaw? Do either of these companies refund search charges for typos or suggest the correct spelling? I think not. Enter SpellBound.

What is it?

SpellBound allows you to quickly and easily spell check any entry you make into a web form. This means that you will no longer misspell words in Lexis or Westlaw. Moreover, since SpellBound works with any web form, you can use it to check your spelling in search boxes, message board …

Using Technology in the Courtroom: Are You Backed Up?

Over at Digital Practice of Law, the author references an article discussing the “Do’s and Don’ts of High-Tech Trial Presentations,” courtesy of My favorite mistake, as cited in the article is people who don’t have a backup plan:

8. No backup plan. Courtroom technology is reliable, but accidents and equipment malfunction can and will occur. If you have a long trial, you may be allowed to fix the problem during a recess. But if you have a short trial or a tight trial schedule, …

Dual Monitors and Split Screens for Everyone, Powered by AutoHotkey

I have written before about using multiple monitors to increase productivity. However, until recently, this boost in productivity was available only to people who actually had two monitors. No longer is that the case.

Simple Program Imitates Multiple Monitors

Thanks to an awesome programmer, a simple program, GridMove, now exists that imitates the functionality of multiple monitors. Basically, the program overlays an invisible grid on your monitor. You can then maximize any open window to a single sector of your screen.

The program comes with several different default grids built in, such as 2-side-by-side, 2-top-and-bottom, and (my favorite) 4-panels, shown below. Plus, you can construct your own grid, if you desire something different.

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