The Best IM Client for Any Network
Which instant messenger do you use? AIM? Google Talk? MSN? Why not ALL of them?!
I couldn’t decide which IM network to join, so I joined them all (the major ones). But I’m not going to run five client programs. That’s where Miranda IM comes in.
This little program allows you to connect to AIM, Yahoo, MSN, Google Talk (Jabber), ICQ, and more. And you get to have all your buddies in one handy contact list. Plus, you can use hotkeys to manage everything, such as maximizing/minimizing …
Learning From Our Site Statistics
Statistics are a key part of any type of venture. You need to know what’s happening, how your target demographic is responding, and what areas you can improve. The same applies to blogging.
I’m a stats addict
I’ve had several readers ask what statistics I use here at Legal Andrew. The short answer is “any and all.” Well, I’ve tried many solutions. But now I’ve finally found three I love.
I’ve been using Google Analytics since I got serious about blogging. It provides a great overview of everything, along with awesome detail to help feed my …
Don’t Be Left Out – Get LinkedIn!
Surely you’ve heard about LinkedIn. It’s an online networking tool for professionals. It also has jobs, services, and a Q&A section. Needless to say, it’s powerful.
I’ve written about LinkedIn before, especially how lawyers can use it. Today I saw an awesome post at Ernie the Attorney. He explains that he checks his LinkedIn home page every day, to see any updates in his network.
I decided to take Ernie’s advice and check my home page as well. …
You Don’t Need a Mouse to Send an Email
One of the popular features around here is the Kill Your Mouse series I wrote a while back. I was pleased to learn this morning that another blog is now starting a similar thread of posts.
The Cranking Widgets Blog has its first “no mouse required” post up, and it teaches mouse-less emailing in Outlook. This is a great thing to learn for that task we all do so many times each day.
I’ll definitely be …
Law Firm Video – The Next Big Thing
If you thought having a website put your firm on the cutting edge, think again. That’s right, the future of law firms isn’t in that static web page you threw together last year. It’s not even in the revamp you hired a design firm to build. It’s on video!
Announce your candidacy
We all know that politicians will go the extra mile to get attention. But there’s got to be a reason that presidential candidates have integrated video in their campaigns. With candidates announcing on video, daily video conversations, and who knows what to come, you can’t …
Reader Question – Update Cross-Reference Footnote Numbers in Word
I recently received a great question from a reader, Dani. I’m guessing she read my post on using Word cross-references, since that’s the topic of her question. Here’s what she asked:
When I use the cross-referencing feature in footnotes, the notes do not automatically update. They seem to ‘know’ that the corresponding fn number has been changed (when I control + click on the cross-referenced footnote, it takes me to the correct footnote), but it continues to call it by the old number. Any advice?
The problem for Dani was that Word does not automatically update the …
Check Out This Battery Life!
Does your laptop quickly run out of juice, destroying your productivity? Mine used to.
Now I have a Dell Inspiron E1405, with a 9-cell battery. I had it fully charged this morning. I’ve been working about 6.5 hours with no plug, and I have 35% (2.25 hours) remaining. That’s 8.75 hours.
What’s the trick? Well, first of all, it’s a 9-cell battery. That means it has more room to store juice. Second, I have my wifi and bluetooth cards turned off. Third, I exited all extraneous programs (Skype, Google Talk, etc). Finally, my …
Lawyers Must Safeguard Techie Property Too!
If you’re a lawyer, you know that the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct require you to “safeguard[]” a client’s property while it is in your possession. You can’t just be careless with things, or you’ll be guilty of an ethical violation.
Here’s an example our PR professor told us about. A lawyer’s client (and friend) asked him to hang on to his gun collection for a period of time. The lawyer obliged and stored the guns in his garage. The guns rusted from humidity. The client was ticked …
Get More Life From Your Rechargeable Batteries
My shiny new Dell Inspiron E1405 arrived last week. I’ve spent the last few days getting everything set to my liking. Needless to say, I like it.
However, the point of this post is to share something quite fascinating that I learned this evening. You see, I ordered a spare battery for my laptop. I foresee travel in the near future, so I thought the extra juice would be quite handy at times. But I want to get the most life possible out of both batteries. So I set out to learn how to prolong …
Easily Play Wav Files with Windows Sound Recorder
Do you ever need to quickly and easily play a WAV file? We use VoIP for our phone, so we get our voicemail emailed to us. Thus, I often have a WAV file that I want to play.
Previously, I would have to download the file, wait for iTunes to fire up, then play the file. What a waste, just a little WAV file.
To make this quicker, I told my computer to play all WAV files using Windows’ built in “Sound Recorder” application. It loads in a flash and plays the file. Quick and easy. Here’s how you can do it too.
1. Open Windows Explorer and select Tools > Folder Options.
2. Click the File Types tab and scroll to the WAV extension. Click Change.
3. In the Open With window, click Browse.
4. In the explorer window, navigate to WINDOWS\System32\sndrec32.exe. Click Open.
5. Save all your changes, clicking OK or whatever else to get through the windows.
You’re all done. I’ve included handy screenshots of this process.