Facebook Applications Take Over the World

It’s 2025… We renew our driver’s licenses through Facebook… We vote for President through a Facebook application… And Elvis has come home!

Seriously, aren’t these Facebook applications taking over everyone’s favorite social network? I feel left in the dust. I was just getting the hang of adding friends, changing my status, and updating my profile picture. I haven’t a clue what many of these gidgets do.

Facebook applications blog

Have no fear. Brett McKay is here! That’s right, your favorite personal finance law student has started a shiny new blog all about …

Traffic Break – Google Hell and StumbleUpon

Everybody wants more traffic, right? Here’s a couple quick thoughts on that subject.

Bloggers definitely like StumbleUpon. I’ve had some decent luck with it in the past, but I finally found the perfect content for it: 11 Reasons to Fire Your Lawyer.

This little post was a quick thought I had a couple weeks back. I finally published it, and it got 415 visits from StumbleUpon in a single day. In my book, that’s awesome! It’s serious content, but it also has a humorous tone. I’ll definitely try to repeat that. 🙂

Second, I’ve …

Looky Linkies – GTD List, Squidoo How To

Here’s a couple links you might enjoy.

Leo posted a great list of GTD resources over at Zen Habits. He goes through software, books, online tools, indexes, and even includes blogs. Thanks for the link, Leo!

Second, I invite you to check out a blog that I’m co-authoring about internet marketing. I just published a post you might like: How to Build a Squidoo Lens. If you like it, consider giving it a reddit or a digg.

Thanks, and have a great …

Let’s Network – Share Your IM Names

I talk a lot about networking, so I thought it was time to action. Daniel Scocco did a great post where he encouraged everyone to share their IM usernames. The idea is to be able to connect more with each other, especially off-blog.

Through Daniel’s post, I was able to meet some new people and connect more deeply with others. It was a great idea!

I’m on IM

Now it’s time for me to do the same. My IM names are all listed on my contact page, but I realize most of …

Two Ways to Boost Your Blog’s Energy

Do you feel like your blog has hit a glass ceiling? Traffic holding steady, or even decreasing? Are your earnings not what you’d like? Here’s my advice:

Switch gears

If you keep getting the same (unsatisfactory) results, you need to change your approach. Get different output by giving your blog different input.

You can do SEO until you’re blue in the face. You can redesign your theme. Add new widgets. But you’ve already done all that, right?

Here are two ideas that will breathe some life into your blog. I guarantee it!

Write off topic

Yep, I’m a …

Get Your Own Unique, Custom Business Cards

I love business cards. Not the standard, black and white ones (like mine). I like unique, cool, custom business cards.

Phil, “the relationship geek,” is making it great with cool business cards. He was lucky enough to beta test Show Off Business Cards’ newest product: Show Off Cards Lite. You’ve got to check out the cool cards he got in return.

Show Off Cards’ primary product converts the standard, boring business card into something very cool. You become an action figure! They take your face, put it in …

Great New Site for Business Card Tips

I apparently have a fascination with business cards. I seem to stumble upon sites about them, and I’ve written about them quite a bit.

Today I happened across Free Business Cards, a site dedicated to these happy little pieces of card stock. Heck, there’s even an article about business card origami.

What intrigued me the most was the author’s invitation to get a free link by asking a question. …

Three Easy Steps to Make an Online Friend

Aside from content, a successful online presence requires friends. You’ve got to get the word out about your killer content. Is it really a work of art, if no one knows about it?

Relationship blogging

In fact, there are a lot of bloggers out there that only care about building relationships. That’s why they blog. Liz and Phil are two great examples.

Many business people also focus on building relationships with their blogs. They network, make friends, and draw in new clients through these online relationships.

If you’re not building friendships, you’re …

7 Ways to Promote Your Brand, Apart From the Blog

When you change your blog theme, it’s a good time to re-evaluate your overall branding strategy. Think about the places people encounter your work.

Are you presenting a consistent image to the public?

Can people recognize your work anywhere it might appear?

Here’s a few ways you can build your brand, aside from the actual blog design. Force brand recognition with repetition.


(It’s that little icon shown in the address bar for a website.) If you’re not utilizing this important space, you’re missing out. It’s really easy to create your own favicon.

1. Create …

Huge Discount for Networking and Career Development Tool

If you haven’t checked out JibberJobber, you’re missing out on a valuable career tool. I went through its merits extensively a while back in a JibberJobber series.

Now JibberJobber is more accessible than ever. It’s on sale!

Until April 9th, you can upgrade to JibberJobber Pro, for life, for only $99. The regular price of this version is $495. As you can see, the CEO, Jason Alba, may have lost his marbles! He’s practically giving away the company’s flagship product. That’s a pretty slick marketing …

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    Lawyer, bicyclist, husband.
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