Reward Customers with… Deactivation?!
Update – June 8, 11:20am The Fastcase CEO called to resolve this issue! 🙂
What if you found a company that provides a product you love? In fact, you love it so much, that you come in to buy it several times every day.
But the company’s security has a policy to prevent shoplifting: any patrons who enter the store more than once per day are automatically locked out. WHAT?! You’ve just been locked out of the store because …
Support Local Businesses with Google Maps
Do you like supporting local businesses? Most people do. We should all take pride in the unique things that make our neighborhoods home. But did you know that you can use Google Maps to support them?
No more yellow pages
I keep trying to convince my wife that we can throw out the paper phone books. With Google Maps and its awesome local results, yellow pages are simply obsolete.
Why should I dig out a huge book and thumb through the pages looking for the crazy category …
Business Card Help – I Need Ideas
It’s time to make some professional business cards for myself. But I don’t want to be stodgy and boring. Can you provide any advice?
I want my cards to coordinate with my law firm website and letterhead. I plan to keep it fairly plain for now. Hopefully in a few months I can have a professional logo designed and re-image everything.
Erica Douglass has a great new card design that I just love. But I’m afraid that’s a bit too fun for a lawyer. Maybe not.
Would you be scared to hire a lawyer …
Crazy Attorney Advertising Pics and Videos
Where there’s an attorney, you’ll probably find crazy advertising. Florida has regulated it heavily, and most areas regularly deal with the same issues.
Attorneys can’t portray themselves offering assistance to aliens, and they can’t have a phone number like 1-800-PIT-BULL.
But lawyers still have some crazy ads and signs!!
Quick legal help and a cup of coffee
Would you seriously consider hiring these guys?
Talk about specializing!
All the relief you need
Aggressive and compassionate
Get Connected with the Fredericksburg Area Bar Association
A professional is nothing without a network. Unless you’re a professional monk. Then I guess you can meditate all day in a secluded forest.
But the rest of us need to make connections. We need to know people, help them, and have friends to call on in times of need.
Lawyers especially need a network. How do you get clients without them knowing about you? Where will you turn for quick legal tips without knowing other lawyers? And how will you stay sane without friends?
Moving to Fredericksburg, Virginia
After law …
Cool Business Card Idea – Coupon on Back
Is there anything on the back of your business cards? There’s a ton of wasted real estate back there. You could use it for cartoons. Or maybe try another idea….
For your business card to be successful, potential clients must actually contact you. If they throw away your card or don’t call, it’s virtually a waste.
But who will throw away a coupon for a service or product they might need? Some people will, but many others will save it, just because it’s a coupon.
Free legal help
I’m a lawyer. …
I’m on Facebook – Now What?
I’ll bet you’re on Facebook. But now what do you do? How do you leverage this tool for your career, business, and social life?
I’m on Facebook – Now What? will teach you!
After Jason Alba’s popular LinkedIn book, he has teamed up with Jesse Stay to tackle Facebook.
If you’re looking for a thorough, but readable, guide to Facebook, you need to read this book. I’m on Facebook – Now What? gives you the keys to making the …
Let’s Share and Discover with Google Reader
Photo by tookie
Are you looking for ways to discover new ideas? Do you like sharing discoveries with your friends?
Behold, Google Reader!
In case you haven’t heard, Reader is Google’s solution for reading RSS feeds. It will collect all your favorite news, website updates, and blog posts. And it’s all in your web browser, as easy as reading email. Of course there’s an awesome mobile version too.
Did you know that Reader also enables easy sharing? Whenever you’re reading an item, just click the little “share” button at …
Ingenious Point-of-Sale Donation Tactic
Photo by Mindful One
Many retail stores cooperate with charities, especially during the holidays. When you’re checking out with your purchases, they ask the familiar question: “Would you like to donate $1 for…”?
I’ve never donated.
Until now.
A few days ago I was shopping with my wife. When we paid for our stuff, the cashier asked us a different question: “Would you like to round up to donate to…”? It was such a cool tactic, that I had to say yes!
I can’t even remember what the charity was – I think something to help …
Creative Business Card Idea
Sometimes I wonder if I’m in the wrong profession. Maybe I should have gone into marketing. I sure love neat marketing techniques.
Check out the cool business card idea I found through AdverBox. It’s a business card for a landscaping company. But it’s more than a standard business card.
These guys are creative! They made a business-card-sized seed packet and emblazoned it with some catchy typography. Include some seeds, and you’re done. This is a business card the recipient will remember!
Always be creative
People love …