I’ll Never Hire Attorney Sync – Here’s Why
On Tuesday a colleague asked if I’d read a free guide published by an outfit called “Attorney Sync”. They do lawyer web marketing.
I was curious what they had to offer, so I checked out the guide she mentioned:
(I’m purposefully not making this an active link because I don’t want them to benefit from it. You’ll have to copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar.)
The first thing that I noticed was that Java loaded for their website. Who uses Java for anything online these days? People who are behind the times. A bad sign for a web marketing company.
Naturally, …
Yodle Lied to Me – My Rating: F
Update – 05/22/12 – See the update at the bottom of the post (hint: they still suck).
These sales guys drive me batty.
My assistant just answered the phone. She told me that a colleague was calling from the Canon Law Group to talk about DUIs. She gave me the guy’s name, which I can’t remember.
I didn’t recognize the name or the firm, but I figured it was an attorney who might have a question or want to bounce something off me. I’m always open to that.
I get on the phone, and the guy cryptically starts talking about the work he’s doing …
How Do You Measure Website Success?
Andrew’s Note: This is a guest post by a good friend of mine – and awesome link builder – Brandon Hopkins.
When I meet with clients that need my link building services, one of the first things I ask is, “How would you measure success?” In other words, what will I need to do to meet your expectations. This does two things, it helps me understand how much link building and internet experience the client has, but it also allows us to talk mutually about what success means online. Here are a few common problems I hear about and what can …
Business Networking 101
Most business owners know there’s value in face-to-face networking. But where do you start for successful business networking? Here’s a quick and dirty guide.
Ideal client
You have to start with some important questions: Who is your ideal client? What problem(s) do they face? What other professionals might they come into contact with?
Your goal is to build relationships with referral sources. You want to get to know the folks who know and work with your ideal clients.
This may be rudimentary for you. But too many people miss the point of business networking. You’re not looking for clients. You’re looking for referral sources. …
Give First, Ask Second
You’ve all seen web forms that ask for your information in exchange for a “free report” or “white paper” on a given subject. What if the great report was right there for the taking, and you were only asked for your information after you read it?
There’s an awesome post by Matt Homann over at the [non]billable hour on this exact subject. He found an awesome study that proves people are more likely to give their information to you if you give them something first.
In short, give first, ask second.
How does this apply to your business?
Ruby Receptionist Rocks – My Virtual Receptionist
I first wrote about Ruby Receptionist in March of this year. I had just signed up for a free trial, and I was excited to begin using my new virtual receptionist for my solo law firm. (Here is my original post about Ruby Receptionist.)
I’ve now been with Ruby for five months. I regularly get questions from people who are looking to try out their service. So here’s an update.
I love Ruby!
In case there’s any doubt, I’m a satisfied Ruby client. They do a great job at handling my calls. They’re an asset to my law practice, and I …
Virtual Receptionist Free for a Month
(Update – 3-4-10 – When I originally wrote this post almost a year ago, the free trial below was 30 days. It has now changed to 14 days, so I’ve updated the post accordingly.)
I run my own law firm with no staff. It’s hard to answer the phone, go to court, and work on client matters.
To solve this problem, I hired a great virtual receptionist service: Ruby Receptionist.
Ruby has been answering my phone for a week now. I’m thrilled!
They …
Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising Worth It?
Editor’s Note: This guest post was written and sponsored by Sequoia Legal Marketing.
Nearly 80% of the top 100 most expensive keywords using Google AdWords are legal related; all of which are over $43 PER CLICK. Using industry averages for bounce rate (they visit your homepage, but go no further before leaving) and conversion rates, we can calculate an average cost per lead (phone call or email submission).
Using one example from a divorce attorney, we can extract the following:
Mr. Divorce paid just over $80k to AdWords directly in 2008. The cost to manage this campaign through a …
Too Many Faces on Your Website
I’m a fan of personalizing websites with images of the author. And images of people generally help us to connect better. We’re drawn to people like us, and there’s no way to do that quite like photographs.
But it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Too many faces on your website is overload. Here’s an example:
A fellow attorney has created a website about the business of law. She’s doing lots of high-profile marketing and probably making some good money with her various projects.
But nobody wants to see three pictures of her above the …
Contract for Legal Services vs. Client Plan
I think it scares my clients when I ask them to sign a contract with me. Especially when they’re coming to me because they were just burned in a contract with someone else.
It’s partly my fault.
My previous contract was proudly titled: Contract for Legal Services. I was trying to be a good lawyer, explaining exactly what the document is about. It made sense to my rational brain.
But then I started thinking that maybe the title is daunting. I decided the title itself might be scaring clients.
I …