Improve Public Speaking By Warming Up Properly
There is a good post over at Blargy that provides some good tips on being a great public speaker. The author does a great job of explaining some of the fundamentals to public speaking. I thought a small addition to this list might be helpful: tips on warming up.
First, let me throw in the caveat that I am not an expert by any means. However, I have done a fair amount of reading on this subject, and I have done my share …
Law Firms Should Have Blogs to Control Online Image
HUMAN LAW has a great post about using blogs to “counter-attack” negative critiques of companies.
This article hits the nail on the head that corporations do not generally do a thorough job of presenting their side of seemingly negative situations. The same holds true for law firms and law schools.
It seems obvious that if people are blogging negatively about your institution, you should provide a response in that format. Frankly, there is no excuse for law firms not to have blogs, since they …
Does a Legal Blog Provide Any Measurable Returns?
Fellow legal blogger Grant Griffiths has an interesting article about the rewards of having a legal blog. Grant has an interesting perspective on this issue, and compares blogging to yellow page ads:
Compare the cost of one post a week, I don’t care what kind of post. Linking to another blog, news story or writing your own original work. Compare it to the cost of a yellow page ad. I will bet you, the blog posting will bring in more money for the …
Get a Quick Law Degree at Mass. School of Law
The legal community always abounds with discussion about changing the law school format. However, the current three year post-graduate path to a J.D. seems to be fairly well set in stone, until now.
It seems that the Massachusetts School of Law in Andover, Mass. is attempting to open their own undergraduate college. If successful, the school would allow students with a high enough GPA to start law school after their junior year of undergrad. The effect: a J.D. in 6 years, not 7. Robert Ambrogi has more on this, …
What to do with Gmail’s “Star”…
I have long wondered what people actually do with the “star” feature in Gmail. Unless you just like to have things waiting on the back-burner to bite you in the butt, I think it’s always a bad idea to simply flag an email to do later and leave it in your inbox.
Personally, I use Outlook for my emails needs (but I use Gmail when I’m away from home). My emails only have two statuses: read or unread. If an email is read, it is completely done and filed away, only to be needed again for some later …
Assess Your Legal Backup Solution
It continually amazes me how many computer users, especially in the legal community, do not take the appropriate efforts to backup their data. It seems that almost every week at the law school someone’s hard drive crashes, and–lo and behold–they did not backup their data (or their latest backup is two months old).
To be fair, I also used to be in this camp. I burned my files to CD every few months, thinking that I was safeguarding my valuable information. Nothing could be further from the truth.
This article will outline the key steps in having a reliable backup system. By its end, you should have the tools and knowledge necessary to protect your valuable data, whether that is class notes or client information.
What Do You Need?
The primary components of a backup system are simple. Moreover, you can obtain everything for FREE. Here is what you need:
Data to backup
Location to store backup
Backup software
Good Lifehack for Law Students and Lawyers: Mega Mini Challenge
As a law student, one of the things that can be terribly hard to do is motivate yourself to do things, especially reading for class (and especially when you are a third year!). It is just quite simply difficult to push yourself to get things done when there is no real deadline or the deadline is weeks away (like a looming final exam).
I’m sure everyone else (especially lawyers) faces this similar challenge. That is why I really like the “Mega Mini Challenge” idea from‘s interview with Andy Mitchell:
I am …
Improvements to the Blog
I really should apologize for my infrequent posting over the summer. It was a crazy few months, but that’s all behind us now.
I have taken the past few days to make some minor improvements to the blog here. I hope they make the site more user-friendly and help you more quickly access the content you want. Of note, I have now standardized the sidebars, providing recent comments & posts, as well as the most popular posts on the left side. Also, you will notice a new page entitled “Scripts and Bits” where …
Ways to Stay Focused at Work / School
I just found a great post on Dave Cheong’s blog entitled “18 Ways to Stay Focused at Work.” Not to be let down, the post definitely delivers on its promise. Here are two of my favorite tips that Dave offers:
Write out a daily task list and plan your day. There’s nothing like a task list sitting next to you to keep you focused. When you have a list of the things you need to accomplish in a day, having that close to you constantly reminding you of …
Even Attorneys Can Save Money!
There is a great article at about saving money. Instead of giving the standard tips like budgeting, etc, this article provides concrete ways to trim your expenses but still have a good life.
My favorite two happen to be the first two in the list: make your own coffee and use your local library. In our day of getting it fast and right at our fingertips, it is easy to forget that so many things are easily accessible and cheaper to do ourselves. Instead of getting your $3.50 cup of …