Prepare for Exams – Debunk Studying Myths

Are you nervous about upcoming exams? Perhaps you should get to studying. Lawsagna has a great post on myths about studying.

My favorite myth listed is “I’ll study every awaking hour to outperform the competition.” A lot of students (especially 1L’s) think they need to study for days on end to have a chance at passing. In reality, you can probably study far less and still do quite well on exams.

One technique you might try is to get your outlines ready ahead of time. Then only study …

Starting Your Own Law Firm

Thanks to Lifehack, I read an interesting article about creating your first startup.

The article actually comes from Particletree. Interestingly, it advocates jumping in, gritting your teeth, and being ready to flop on your face. Kind-of a wake up call for some aspiring entrepreneurs out there.

How might this concept apply to lawyers, especially young ones, who want to start their own law firm? What kind of lessons might you learn by jumping in now?

In my …

Video – Exam-Taking Tips for Law Students

If you’re worried about upcoming law school exams, just relax. I found this good little video that gives some solid (but basic) advice.

There’s nothing revolutionary here, but all advice is good, right?

[tags]legal andrew, law school, exams, youtube[/tags]

Sponsored Posts … Coming Soon

If you are reading this, thank you. In fact, thank you to all of the awesome people who have read my boring articles for these last few months. I hope you have enjoyed the articles, ideas, and tips I have posted here.

I am going to embark on a slightly different path over the next few weeks. In an effort to help defray the costs of running Legal Andrew, I am going to write a few sponsored posts. Yep, I will be writing some posts that companies actually pay me to post here. No, companies will …

The Easy Way to be Interesting, Make Networking Easier

There is a great article over at Lifehack, providing some easy tips to be more interesting. Give these a quick read and consider implementing some of them in your life. Some great benefits might be meeting new and interesting people, and also being able to converse easier with others. Your networking efforts will thank you.

[tags]legal andrew, networking[/tags]

Increase Productivity by Doing Something Different

How often do you get stuck in a rut? Does your productivity decrease when you do the same thing every day? Here is today’s breakthrough tip: do something different.

Variation spurs the mind

Our brains are complex organs. But if they are required to do the same thing day after day, they seem to shift into neutral or auto-pilot. Creativity decreases, along with productivity.

If you require your brain to think about something else, you will likely notice a boost in creativity and productivity. Your brain will begin firing on more cylinders synapses. You will utilize more …

Online File Conversion Service, Perhaps Useful for Lawyers

Have you ever needed to convert a file from one type to another? Maybe you need to turn your Word document into a PDF. Perhaps you were trying to convert some type of media file.

Zamzar could be your solution. You simply upload the file to be converted, select the type of file you want to turn it into, enter your email address, and submit. Zamzar then does the work and emails your file back to you. Cool, right?

The downside I see to Zamzar, at least currently, is that it doesn’t provide for several …

Server Troubles Today… Sorry

If you’re seeing this post, it means that Legal Andrew’s server is finally running correctly. Hooray! The server apparently died this morning. The technicians fixed it by this afternoon, but they restored an old copy of Legal Andrew. Thus, I had to replace those old files with the newest versions from my backup copy.

If you have read Legal Andrew long, you know that I usually don’t post things like this. I just wanted to apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.

Prepare for Exams: Curb Your Blogging Addiction

Are you addicted to blogging? Do you spend your day reading RSS feeds, commenting on posts, and responding to your readers? If so, what are you going to do when exam time rolls around in a few weeks? As one reader asked, “Any suggestions on curbing the blogging addiction so my grades don’t suffer?” Here you go:

Set time limits – In the run up to exam time, set (and stick to) firm time limits on your blog reading and ‘riting. For …

Law School Lessons Learned in Prison

Do you ever get addicted to a simple little game? Solitaire? Tetris? Sudoku? For me, it’s a free Palm game called The Prison. It’s a breakout-type game where you bust bricks with a bouncing ball.

As I was playing The Prison recently, I had the stunning realization that it actually teaches the player quite a bit. I’m sure many other games like this do the same. Here are the law school lessons I’ve learned in prison:

Don’t count your lives

When I first …

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