Relax and Work at the Same Time

My wife is the greatest!  🙂 

Saturday I was working hard on my research term paper, and my back began to hurt pretty bad. I finally leaned back in my chair and got a bit more comfortable, when my wife came up with a great plan. She put a large (3") binder underneath my laptop, raising the screen and tilting the keyboard to a better angle. Then she put a towel on the edge of the desk for me to rest my arms on.  To complete the legal-writing-in-comfort setup she put a pillow in the back of my …

Multiple Monitors Increase Productivity

The New York Times has an article regarding “The Virtues of a Second Screen.” It might seem obvious, but the article works hard to establish the fact that increase screen real estate increases productivity.

I wonder how this might apply specifically to law students and attorneys. Just from my own experience, I know it would be very helpful to have multiple monitors, especially when doing research and writing. Thus, you could have Westlaw or Lexis open on one screen and your working document on another.

Do any of you have the luxury of a second monitor? If so, …

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