Tidbits – GTD for Finances, Cool Blogging Resource

I came across two great pages that I wanted to share with you. This is a short post, so it will be filed away in my new “Tidbit” category.

First, you should definitely check out Brett McKay’s application of GTD to finances. He’s got a really good explanation of the “weekly financial review” that we should all be doing. Maybe I should start digging out receipts.

Second, Darren is writing a great blog on blog promotion called Blogged Out. He’s going through some important basics that we …

GTD: My View – Thoughts on GTD and Students

This is Part 3 in a series of posts on getting things done. “GTD: My View” covers how I implement GTD, specifically focusing on being a student. Be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2.

The last post in this series received a great comment, seeking to understand more about students and GTD. I posted a reply, but I also …

GTD: My View – Dealing With School Work

This is Part 2 in a series of posts on getting things done. “GTD: My View” covers how I implement GTD, specifically focusing on being a student. Be sure to check out Part 1.

It’s no secret that I’m a law student. Part of my goal in blogging is to collaborate with other students on ways to be more productive. That’s one key theme of Legal Andrew.

What is a school assignment?

In my school experience, there are a couple main types of …

GTD: My View – Pick a System

This is Part 1 in a series of posts on getting things done. “GTD: My View” covers how I implement GTD, specifically focusing on being a student.

I love getting reader feedback! In fact, I’m writing this series specifically because several of you have asked about my personal system for GTD. Thank you, Andrew L., for the most recent request!

More importantly, you guys are interested in ideas to tailor GTD to the needs of students. Thus, here’s my attempt to help out.

This first post will cover the basics of …

Next Actions 101 – Rephrase Dormant Tasks to Spur Action

This is Part 3 in the “Next Actions 101” series (read Part 1 and Part 2).

We’ve already covered next action basics and breaking down big projects. For this final installment, we’ll look at those pesky next actions that become dormant.

Do you have tasks on your …

Next Actions 101 – Break Down the Project to Get it Done

This is Part 2 in the “Next Actions 101” series (read Part 1).

Big projects are daunting. How do you go from “land on the moon” to tangible steps to achieve that goal? Break it down.

Decide a next action

This is the key to getting things done (GTD). Your project (land on the moon) is your stake in the ground, holding you responsible for the outcome.

But to get started toward that stake, you must break down the project. You need …

Next Actions 101 – Put it on Your List

This is Part 1 in a new series on “next actions,” part of getting things done (GTD).

As you probably know, I’m a GTD fanatic. Well, I might not merit the “fanatic” title, but this productivity system definitely has a fan in me. Thus, I want to highlight a couple thoughts I’ve had about next actions. That’s what “Next Actions 101” is all about.

Make a list

How can you ever know what you’re supposed to do, if you don’t have a list? This is central to …

Blawg Review #92

What is this?

If you haven’t read Blawg Review before, you’re in for a treat (hopefully). It’s a weekly showcase of the best that the legal blogging community has to offer. It’s a mix between a blog carnival and a law journal. A bit of knowledge, a lot of fun, and it travels around each week.

First of all, a huge thank you goes out to all of the submitters for this week’s issue of Blawg Review. I signed up to host months ago, and I had no idea I would receive so much help. Thank …

Use Post-It Notes for GTD Collection

Do you keep a pad of post-it notes on your desk? If not, you’re missing out on a useful productivity tool.

Some people claim that you should banish post-its from your workspace, but I take a different approach. You should be clear and strict about how they fit into your productivity system; for me, that is GTD.

I always keep a pad of small post-it notes on my desk. I love the 1.5″ x 2″ variety, since they are a great size to jot a quick note. Plus, the small size prevents you from …

A Next Action and a Project – Getting Things Done

Do you ever have a simple task that gets put off for no good reason? You know, something you’ve been needing to do, but just can’t get it done?

I’ve been needing to get a dental checkup for quite some time. I don’t have any teeth problems, but I want to get back on a six month checkup schedule. Since insurance pays for it, why not?

The problem has been that I just couldn’t get motivated to do it. I’ve put it off, delayed, and not thought about. But all …

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