Zen to Done – Productivity at its Simplest
Are you overwhelmed by projects, tasks, and deadlines? But is GTD too complex and confusing for you? It’s time you went for a simple productivity system: Zen to Done (ZTD).
Written by Leo Babauta of the popular Zen Habits site, Zen to Done focuses on a core set of productive habits. At its simplest, ZTD is only 4 habits that you implement in your daily life. To become a productivity master, advance to 10 habits. You’ll then truly achieve zenful productivity in all areas of …
Pay Yourself to Get Things Done
Do you ever have problems getting motivated? I sure do.
Why not reward yourself when you get things done? By “reward,” I mean money. Pay yourself to get things done.
My problem
I’m trying to ride my bike more. But it’s hard to get motivated to ride. The irony is that I like riding.
So when I was on my ride this evening, I came up with this “pay myself” idea. I’ll reward myself for riding my bicycle. I think it will help get me motivated.
The bike payment plan
The …
Dymo LabelManager Review – GTD Heaven
A few weeks ago, I read Brett Kelly’s post about a labeler he had just received for review. Being the GTD and tech geek that I am, I checked it out and posted a comment that I was envious of his new toy.
Lo and behold, the great folks at CableOrganizer.com decided to send me a labeler!! It’s amazing what a simple blog comment can do these days.
Now I’m the proud owner of a Dymo LabelManager 450. And you get to learn about all its cool features!
This isn’t your …
Links – Hyperlinks in Legal Writing, Time Versus Money
Here’s a couple tidbits to share with you on a Saturday afternoon.
Australian lawyer Stephen Warne posted a nice piece using hyperlinks in your legal documents. It’s rudimentary for experienced Word users, but a nice reminder for all of us. Found via Raymond Ward.
Mark Shead is asking some good questions about time versus money in his latest article: Being More Productive vs. Reducing Expenses. Instead of solely focusing on productivity to earn more money, think about reducing expenses. It’s a nice …
My Killer GTD Setup, in Progress
Bar review is stealing my life! Consequently, I’m really late in responding to GTD Marvelz’s killer GTD setup meme. He tagged me with this great project, so here’s my humble contribution. He’s keeping a running list of other killer GTD setups.
The main tool
Every GTD system needs a place to hold lists, actions, contexts, projects, etc. This is the main tool in any GTD setup.
I’ve used and abandoned a number of tools, both on and offline. Currently, I’m …
Looky Linkies – Time Wasters, Easy HTML Tags
I decided to take a break from bar review to share a couple of great links with you guys.
Interview: Biggest Time Waster (at Productivity501)
I am honored to participate in Mark’s cool interview series. He sent three questions to a group of productivity bloggers, and now he’s publishing all our answers. Because of the great response, he’s doing a post on each question. Today’s feature is “What is the single biggest way people waste time without even realizing it?” It’s a great read!
Sleep Hack – Have a Regular Waking Time
Do you plan your schedule around when you have to get up? Do you have varying wake-up times, depending on the day’s activities?
Here’s a better solution – get up at the same time every day.
Look at your schedule and figure out the earliest time you need to be up. Set your alarm for that time. Get up at that time every morning.
Going to bed at the same time usually isn’t as important. If you have a regular waking time, you’ll naturally feel tired around the same time each evening. …
Month in Review – May
It’s been a big month in my personal life, and I hope the blog has kept up with your expectations. By the way, I’m now “Andrew Flusche, J.D.”
Traffic for May was right on target with April – about 8200 visits each month. I’m pretty darn happy with that, but I hope to see more growth in June. Too bad I have to study for the bar exam!
Popular posts
1. May’s top post was my contribution to the ProBlogger group writing project: Top 5 Reasons to Hate GTD. I’m glad you guys liked that one.
2. …
52 Handy Tools and Sites for Students
Even though I’m almost done being a student, many of you have some time left. So I’ll still be on the lookout for handy things for you guys.
The Online Education Database has a couple great pages that every student should check out. Combining them, they list 52 awesome tools and sites that you need. Some are pretty obvious, but others will be new to you. Without further ado, here we go…
The College Student’s Productivity Guide lists 27 great apps and tools for students. There are definitely some interesting nuggets in there.
How Many Hours Do You Work?
Only two days after I officially received my J.D. (whoopee!), I started studying for the bar exam (boo!). I’m doing the standard study course, BAR/BRI. But the reason I’m posting right now is to ask you a question.
How much time do you put into your job?
I’m curious what your daily number of hours are (on average), as well as your average weekly hours. Especially if you are a paralegal or a lawyer, I’d love it if you would share in the comments.
And now to explain this crazy series of thoughts… My bar review course consists …