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Branding Strategy Should Be Consistent

bmw branding strategy

Is your branding strategy consistent? BMW of Charlottesville certainly doesn’t have a consistent branding strategy. Their courtesy vehicle is a Honda. Do you see a problem here?

Consistent branding

If I owned a car dealership, all vehicles on the premises would be of the type I sold. They’d all be spotlessly clean.

Don’t most dealers do this anyway? They give demo cars to their salesmen. They use the brand’s van or SVU for their courtesy car. I’m not sure how this BMW dealer missed this key to branding strategy.

Why it matters

For a brand to be effective, you have to impress it upon your customers. This typically requires repeating your brand many times. That’s where the branding strategy comes in.

Your strategy must be well thought-out and carefully planned. If you deviate from the branding plan, you confuse your customers. They won’t likely remember your brand, and that means they might not be your customer. Whoops!

Is your branding strategy consistent?

I’m probably guilty of not having a consistent branding strategy. But I’m trying to improve that. Hopefully I’ll have the funds soon to hire someone to spiffy-up my law firm logo, letterhead, and business cards.

What about you? How consistent is your branding strategy?

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6 Responses to “Branding Strategy Should Be Consistent”

  1. Marijean Jaggers
    August 19th, 2008

    What a great example of what not to do! At Standing Partnership, we help organizations determine their brand identity and their brand promise. A brand is the promise your organization keeps to the community it serves. It’s obvious that BMW of Charlottesville could use a little help in this area. Thanks for the great post!

  2. Andrew Flusche
    August 21st, 2008

    @Marijean – Brand promise. I love it!

  3. Stacy
    August 24th, 2008

    Yes, its no doubt a misstep, but I have been involved with clients who make it impossible to keep anything consistent. Sometimes the client changes their logo in the middle of an ad campaign or they sub-contract parts of the campaign to small contractors who dont care about the details.

    And a major factor in this case is the fact that many dealerships carry several makes of cars.

  4. Andrew Flusche
    August 24th, 2008

    @Stacy – I guess another good take away point is to let one firm handle all your branding needs.

  5. BMW Lover
    November 2nd, 2008

    Look at that picture. It is really cool. I wish to buy such a car soon.
    I really love BMW

  6. CarHIDKits
    October 5th, 2009

    Very nice. It’s the best way to advertise

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