Improve Your Workspace with $200

Are you happy with your office or workspace? Could it be better? I’ll bet you have some improvements in mind.
I know I do. And I just had a $200 windfall (more on that later). But what should I buy with it?
How can $200 improve your workspace?
Most of us spend the majority of our awake time at the office. So why not make our workspace pleasant?
That’s what I’m setting out to do, but I’m stumped. There are so many possibilities that I can’t decide what to do.
Please give me your advice!
New stool – I stand up to work. I have a cool bar table that puts my work surface up nice and high (I’m 6’3″). But my stool is getting a little wobbly. $200 could buy a nice replacement.
iPod dock – Don’t we all work better with music? It helps me focus and tune out distractions. But I’m getting a little tired of Pandora (now open to non-U.S. peeps). I could buy a cool iPod dock and some new music.
Digital picture frame – I’ve always wanted one of these. I don’t have kids (yet), but I could display photos of my wife, neat pics I find on Flickr, or anything else of interest. It could be really fun.
What would you do?
As you can see, I’m really at a loss here. I’ve thought of many more things I could get, such as a second monitor, a comfy club chair, etc. But I’d like to know what you think makes your workspace great. So let’s start some comments on this.
What cool item is in your workspace that could be bought for less than $200? Or should I forget my office and have a $200 blog contest? 🙂
Photo by *nathan
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4 Responses to “Improve Your Workspace with $200”
January 15th, 2008
I would set it aside for a ScanSnap or buy DEVONThink Pro Office. 🙂 If my computer was slow I might consider putting it into additional RAM and if I didn’t have a good backup system I might consider an external hard drive. If I didn’t have enough storage space, I’d head to IKEA and see how far my $200 would go there.
Personally I find music is distracting. This may be one of the downsides to spending a lot of time studying music composition. I can usually listen to Mozart piano sonatas and Bach keyboard pieces (as long as they are on a piano–not a harpsichord), but pretty much anything else is distracting. I’ve been experimenting with nature sounds as a way to help me focus, but the jury is still out on that one.
January 23rd, 2008
I don’t know what the lighting is like in your office, but choosing your own lighting system might be worth the money. My office is lit by light-saber fluorescent bulbs, which I despise. I turn them off and absorb natural light. If I could, I’d bring in a small halogen and bounce it off a wall or something. Someday, sigh.
January 23rd, 2008
Mark – I do have my eyes on a ScanSnap. They’re just too darn cool, and I’m shooting for a paperless office (like you!).
Paul – Lighting is a great idea. My office has the standard fluorescent bulbs, so a natural light lamp would be great. Maybe I should do a little shopping.
January 23rd, 2008
Thanks for the post, it was a timely one for me, because my husband just relocated to a new job and i was wondering about giving him an office warming present of some sort!