My Digg Journey in Pictures

Thanks to you great readers, Legal Andrew had its first Digg main page debut. On Sunday, my photo law post hit the main page!

Unfortunately, my server tanked. As you know, it’s pretty common with shared hosting accounts. Heck, I only pay $4 per month!

Now I’m on the lookout for a new host that can handle this amount of traffic in the future. Once you’ve hit Digg once, you’re addicted!

For now, I wanted so share my Digg journey with you guys. Here’s the photo album. 🙂

I was ecstatic to reach the top of the upcoming page.

digg upcoming top

And then I felt like a parent, watching his baby’s first step.

digg main

But once the traffic hit, my host decided it might hurt the server. 🙁

digg suspended

Fortunately, they re-enabled my account. But they refused to allow referrals from

digg 503

In the end, the ride was thrilling!!

digg visitors

Now I just have to figure out how it all happened. Where do I get on this ride again?! 🙂

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5 Responses to “My Digg Journey in Pictures”

  1. Yuppy
    October 16th, 2007

    my site is a week old and has 8 diggs…. working on more; but i think 900 in the first week isnt bad… subscribers cept me though 🙁

  2. Dining Tables
    October 16th, 2007

    Congratulations and best wishes for continued growth. I am very happy for you.

  3. Chris F.
    October 29th, 2007

    Congrats on your first crash! Impressive! I actually switched from a shared hosting account at Total Choice to a managed dedicated server which I use to handle my stuff and stuff for my customers. I can’t wait to crash it!

  4. Barbara
    November 8th, 2007

    Congrats on hitting the FP on Digg. It is exciting to watch the number on the Digg button increase. It’s kind of like a slot machine. 🙂 Cool idea to take a pic of it.

  5. Eugene Lee
    November 26th, 2007

    I’ve been trying to hit the Digg lottery myself. No luck so far. Thanks for sharing what happens when you make it to the front page. Very cool post.

    Gene Lee

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