I’m on LinkedIn – Now What??? by Jason Alba

Are you lost with LinkedIn? Have no fear! Good friend and power networker Jason Alba wrote a killer book that you should read.

Jason was kind enough to send me a pre-press digital copy of his book, I’m on LinkedIn – Now What???. Now I get to share some nuggets of wisdom with you!


Cutting to the chase, this is a must read book. Jason does a great job of breaking down LinkedIn and explaining how to get the most of it. He methodically explores this well-defined subject and provides great nuggets of insight.

I had a quite a few things that I wanted to share here, but I decided to narrow it down to three. First, Jason uses a stellar example when talking about school names. Hooray to UVA!

School names – include the full name (University of Virginia) as well as the common abbreviation (UVA).

Next, I really like his tip about getting recommendations. Since I have none, I’ll definitely be implementing this method:

I’ve found that most people will reciprocate a recommendation, so one of the best ways to get a recommendation is to actually recommend your contacts.

Finally, he devotes an entire chapter (#14) to “shady practices.” I’m glad he didn’t just focus the book on positives, but also warned people about the shady sides of LinkedIn. I particularly like his point that putting your email in the name field is against the terms of service.

To reiterate, get a copy of Jason’s book. Wander over to the publisher and order yourself a copy of I’m on LinkedIn – Now What???.

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4 Responses to “I’m on LinkedIn – Now What??? by Jason Alba”

  1. Jason Alba
    September 6th, 2007

    Andrew, thanks for the review … killer book, must read, I’m loving it!

    Jason Alba
    CEO – JibberJobber.com
    :: self-serve career management ::