Dymo LabelManager Review – GTD Heaven

A few weeks ago, I read Brett Kelly’s post about a labeler he had just received for review. Being the GTD and tech geek that I am, I checked it out and posted a comment that I was envious of his new toy.

Lo and behold, the great folks at CableOrganizer.com decided to send me a labeler!! It’s amazing what a simple blog comment can do these days.

Now I’m the proud owner of a Dymo LabelManager 450. And you get to learn about all its cool features!


This isn’t your everyday labeler. The LabelManager is a desktop unit, made to churn out labels in a busy office. It’s loaded with features, and here are just a few:

  • QWERTY keyboard
  • Prints up to 5 lines per label
  • 7 fonts, 5 heights, 12 styles, 6 boxes, 7 background patterns
  • 10-label internal memory
  • Barcode printing in 6 formats
dymo labelmanager 450

The LabelManager uses DYMO labels, which come in different widths and colors. A 23′ roll of 3/8″ label tape costs about $18. But that sucker should do a lot of labels.

PC integration

If these features weren’t enough, the LabelManager comes with a USB cable and software, so you can print directly from your computer. Installation was pretty smooth, although I had to fiddle with when to plug the labeler into the computer.

Then you can manage labels directly from the software. This lets you save labels and use them again. You can also imbed images and graphics right from your computer’s hard drive!

One caveat – I’m running Windows Vista w/ Aero enabled. The software’s internal popup dialogs didn’t play too nicely with that, but Windows handled it all right. Hopefully better Aero support will be forthcoming.

The software can also tie in with your address book, so you can quickly print off a single address label or a whole bunch. And it can save your return address, for quick bill paying.


If you’re looking for a sweet labeler for your office, go for the LabelManager 450. It’s going to have a place of honor on my desk. It even displays the current time when it’s turned off! And did I mention the automatic label cutter? I would highly recommend this machine to anyone in need of a quality labeler.

I now have a quick and easy way to label my file folders. No more crummy Avery inkjet labels for me. These will be faster, more efficient, and longer-lasting. It’s going to be great for GTD!

Do you have any specific questions? I’m happy to answer them. Or if there’s some feature you’re curious about, I can test it out and report back to you. Just drop a comment below.

[tags]labeler, dymo, labelmanager, cableorganizer[/tags]

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7 Responses to “Dymo LabelManager Review – GTD Heaven”

  1. Chris F.
    July 22nd, 2007

    That’s a pretty cool device you have there – especially for free. I have a Dymo Rhino Pro 5000 label system that I use for network installation jobs and such. It is similar, but has some functions specific to cabling. You can see it here: http://www.graphicproducts.com.....index.html.

  2. Andrew Flusche
    July 23rd, 2007


    I actually looked at the Rhino Pro. It’s a pretty smooth machine, and I’ll bet it handles your needs well. I don’t think a network could ever be over-labeled.

  3. mel
    September 18th, 2007

    when i first started with gtd i got one of the better quality ptouch machines. it was nice, but i had a difficult time seperating the label. because of my lack of dexterity i had to give up the idea of using labels. do the dymo labels come apart easier?

  4. Andrew Flusche
    September 19th, 2007

    mel – I don’t have trouble with the Dymo labels at all, but my wife does sometimes.

    Good luck with the labels!