Lawyers Should Use Buzz Marketing Too!

How do you spread the word about your law firm? Do you take out yellow page ads? Maybe you’ve started blogging. What about buzz marketing?

Today’s marketing tool

Yellow pages are stagnant. Web sites only provide information. Buzz marketing interacts with people and society. It’s today’s marketing tool.

So what is it? Buzz marketing is another term for word of mouth marketing. It’s also known as viral marketing. As Wikipedia explains, “a very successful word-of-mouth promotion creates buzz.”

The power of the internet and blogging makes buzz marketing extremely simple and powerful in today’s society. You can contact a huge network of people in seconds and spread your message around the globe, all from your living room.

Buzz your message

If you’re new to these ideas, Ben Yoskovitz has some great info to help get you started. He recently finished his 3 week buzz marketing challenge, where he did a ton of buzz marketing. Ben also provides a great summary of some major lessons he learned.

If you’re still skeptical, just look at the list of example buzz activities. The first one is to “email an old friend or acquaintance.” How easy is that?!

Good for lawyers too!

Some people gasp when thinking about lawyers marketing. However, isn’t that what lawyers do when networking? The awesome rise of lawyer blogs shows that our profession isn’t blind to marketing.

Lawyers can easily create buzz about themselves and their practices. Do you have a unique perspective on clients? Maybe you’ve had some great success with a particular type of case. This is a great subject for a mini-press release. Perhaps you can send an email out to colleagues and get some coverage on their websites.

The main point here is to leverage whatever power you can find. Don’t dismiss buzz marketing as “not for me.” Understand new ideas and methods of spreading your message. If you don’t use it, your competitors might.

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