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Month In Review – November

If you are new to Legal Andrew, welcome! If you’re a regular reader, thank you so much for your time. I truly appreciate each and every person who stumbles on this blog.

I plan to start a monthly review to help encourage readership and highlight some of the month’s popular posts. Yes, it is already December, but hopefully you guys will forgive my tardiness.

Popular posts

1. The most popular post for November is definitely Google Desktop Provides Seamless Information Flow.

2. Second place goes to Drafting Your Law Firm Cover Letter. Perhaps some first years are sending out resumes?

3. Finally, Using Outlook Tasks for “Getting Things Done” (GTD) seemed to be a hit as well.

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If you need anything or just want to chat, feel free to contact me. You can post a comment to any post here on the blog, or you can drop me a line. Also, feel free to Skype me (aflusche). If I don’t answer your call, it’s because I’m slow getting to the headset sometimes (sorry).

[tags]legal andrew, month in review, november[/tags]

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