Print Postage Online – In Your Pajamas!

Don’t you hate going to the post office? The lines are long, the building is dingy, and there’s never enough parking.
I’m now a proud endicia user! I can print whatever postage I need, right from my desk. It’s already saving me time and money. I’ll bet it will work for you too!
As an attorney, I mail lots of things. We have to send documents to court, our clients, and other attorneys. Without endicia, I had to keep a supply of stamps on hand. I inevitably ran out of stamps when I had deadlines to meet. And I never had the precise postage amount handy.
endicia saves me money and makes me more productive!
Now when I need to mail something, I can quickly print the exact postage needed. I don’t have to visit the post office, and I don’t have to keep stamps on hand. It really is amazing.
You can easily print postage online with endicia. To do so, just start up endicia’s handy postage program: DAZzle. Then follow a few easy steps:
- Select the layout you want to print (envelope, label, etc)
- Add the delivery address (or select from your Outlook address book!)
- Choose your mail type (first class, parcel post, media mail, certified mail, etc)
- Print!
When you print postage online, you should be cautious about misprints. DAZzle always lets you do as many test prints as you need before you print actual postage. This enables you to make sure everything is perfect and you don’t waste any money. If you do make a mistake, you can reprint from within DAZzle. Cool, right?
endicia lets me print postage in tons of formats!
As mentioned above, DAZzle lets you pick a variety of layouts for printing your postage. Today I printed on regular #10 business envelopes and shipping labels. endicia easily transitions from one medium to another, letting you print whatever you need!
Perhaps the coolest part is that endicia can print regular postage stamps. You can do this with “InstaPostage”. It’s a separate program for printing postage that comes with your endicia account. Use endicia’s special InstaPostage labels, and you can print your own stamps. I made one today to put on a self-addressed stamped envelope. It was cool!
Get a 30-day free trial
I was a bit skeptical about endicia. It seems too good to be true. But I signed up for the 30-day free trial, and I haven’t been disappointed.
Why don’t you give it a try? If you’re looking for a way to print postage online, endicia is the ticket.
With a 30-day free trial, you really have nothing to lose. Sign up for free, buy a little postage, and give it a whirl. If it doesn’t fit your needs, you’re out nothing.
Do you have a solution for printing postage online?
Photo by Warm ‘n Fuzzy
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3 Responses to “Print Postage Online – In Your Pajamas!”
October 9th, 2008
Aren’t you supposed to tell us when you’re doing a pay for post post?
October 13th, 2008
@Mike – I do disclose to all readers when I write a post that someone paid me to do. However, this isn’t one of those. I sincerely think people can benefit from endicia, so I wrote about it. Now, the links to endicia are affiliate links. If someone signs up through my links, I earn a small commission. Let me know if you think that’s a problem. I treasure reader feedback.
November 10th, 2008
Arent you supposed to tell us when you’re doing a pay for post post?