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Help a Good Cause – Train for Humanity

Behold, the power of blogs!

Leo Babauta, Mark Hayward, and Dan Clements are racing to make a difference! They’re the pilot athletes in a new humanitarian nonprofit that I’m helping with: Train for Humanity.

Here’s the skinny: Leo, Mark, and Dan are all training for endurance events (marathons and triathlons). To help make a difference in the world, they’ve founded a nonprofit to aid humanitarian causes. They’re asking people to sponsor their training by donating to Train for Humanity. The funds will then be donated to the Darfur Peace and Development Organization.

A different kind of nonprofit

Train for Humanity is officially organized as a nonprofit, and we’re seeking our 501(c)(3) determination from the IRS. I’m helping with that. 🙂

But what sets apart TFH is that we’re a no-fluff organization. We have no employees. We have no paid directors or officers. We have no rented office space. The Board of Directors meets via free conference calls. We’re serious about the cause.

When you donate to TFH, you can be sure that the money is going where it’s supposed to: humanitarian aid. You’re not making Executive Directors wealthy. You’re not paying for fancy travel accommodations so we can have posh board meetings. You’re sponsoring athletes who will give that money to the needy.

Complete accountability

To prove that we’re serious about this, TFH has a page dedicated to our public accountability. We’ll be posting our financial info for the world to see. You tell what money is donated, what minimal expenses we incur, and what charities get the proceeds. It’s that simple.

In the near future, I hope to start posting our board meeting minutes, bylaws, and other documents online as well. I hate that many nonprofits hide the ball from their donors.

Can you chip in?

If you’d like to help get this effort rolling, please sponsor Train for Humanity. Your sponsorship can go to a specific athlete, or it can be for the organization generally.

You can also help by spreading the word. Post a quick note on your blog about TFH. Add one of our cool badges to your sidebar. Send a tweet to your friends. Every bit helps.

Disclosure: I am a Director of Train for Humanity, and I am the lawyer who assisted with their formation.

Photo by mknobil

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2 Responses to “Help a Good Cause – Train for Humanity”

  1. Stormy
    September 9th, 2008

    Just a heads up, you’ll probably have problems with the name and some confusion, etc., in the marketplace. There’s an organization headquartered in Georgia I thought you were affiliated with when I saw the title of the post. You may have some 501(c)(3) issues and some copyright/trademark issues with them moving forward. Dunno if you want to extend an olive branch in advance of having them come down hard on you.

  2. Andrew Flusche
    September 9th, 2008

    @Stormy – Do you have any more info on this Georgia group? I did some searching, and I’m not seeing anything else called “Train for Humanity.”

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