Eee PC Battery Test – 7 Hours, 29 Minutes
I was at an all-day seminar last week, sporting my Asus Eee 1000HE netbook. I brought my AC adapter, but I figured it would be a great chance to really test Asus’ claimed 9.5-hour battery.
I started the day at about 8:45am with a fully-charged battery.
When I decided to actually watch the meter, I tweeted that I had 93% left. The battery meter estimated 7:42 hours.
I kept an eye on the battery meter for a while, and I realized the netbook wouldn’t make it all day at full power. At 10:17am, I turned off wifi and bluetooth. I also dimmed my screen to the lowest setting and exited unnecessary programs.
I put the netbook into sleep mode for about 20 minutes while I ate lunch. And I plugged it in for 1 minute, when I got scared that the battery wouldn’t last all day. But I quickly pulled the plug back out and decided to keep the test going.
After lunch, I still had over half my battery left: 53%.
At 2:15pm, I had 2:23 hours left on the meter, 33%.
The conference ended at 4:19pm. At that time, I had 4% left on the meter, an estimated 15 minutes.
To sum it up, the battery lasted 7 hours, 29 minutes (subtracting the 20 minutes in sleep mode at lunch time).
I ran Firefox and Word 2007 all day, but that’s about it. I did power on the wifi during a few breaks to check my email, but it stayed off most of the day.
I don’t think you’ll get 9.5 hours out of this battery, but 7.5 hours is nothing to scoff at. If you can plug in the Eee for a few minutes sometime during the day, I’ll bet you could keep trucking way past 8 hours.
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24 Responses to “Eee PC Battery Test – 7 Hours, 29 Minutes”
September 26th, 2009
Thanks. It seems to have solved my problem as well.
October 11th, 2009
Incredible really for that much extra life in a battery. Keep us informed
October 12th, 2009
I purchased one of the earlier Eee PC laptops and the battery seemed to last for about 5 hours. I’m sure they’ve gotten better within those two years.
I never really tested it though and used it at full capacity most of the time, running notepad, firefox and whatever else I needed at the time. Still a great little laptop for travel though.
November 16th, 2009
I am looking forward to read your next freat article… Nice article, thanks.
November 16th, 2009
Wow ! here i got such worthy tips for how to check PC battery. I think here i can find some more tips and suggestions. I am going to check out other post.
November 17th, 2009
Incredible for that much extra life in a battery.I am looking forward to read your next article.Nice article, thanks.
November 17th, 2009
Hi, it such a nice way of battery check. According your detail i will try it to my PC battery.
November 18th, 2009
This is really nice information. I am going to try it out on my PC.
November 19th, 2009
thx for the info
November 20th, 2009
I have luminous UPS for my PC. Can i check the batter in same way as you suggest.
November 22nd, 2009
7 hours is not a bad deal. Its really a good value because you want get it on most of the brands available in the market in this series.
November 24th, 2009
Hello ! Very nice review! Thanks for posting this.My PC is not starting up. intel 845 chipset, CMOS battery is down. will changing battery solve the problem?
November 25th, 2009
cool stuff…love your post
November 25th, 2009
That is pretty good all things considered. You’re right about extending it out a bit, but all in all that’s not bad.
November 25th, 2009
Thanks have a great info of Eee PC Battery Test on this post with have a great info.keep it up this nice sharing….
November 26th, 2009
If I wanted to take the cmos battery out, how long should should I keep it out to clear my setting?
November 26th, 2009
Great post. Small things always add up and make a big effect
December 2nd, 2009
When I read your post I got a bit upset- it’s supposed to last for over 9 hours, and it crossed the 7 hours line only by little with much effort.
But when I really think about it, my PC gets hardly gets to 3 hours, so bravo I guess
December 7th, 2009
Thanks for sharing this! I am looking to buy a notebook computer soon, and I’ll definitely factor in battery life when I do.
7+ hours is definitely nothing to scoff at. With that much time, I can accomplish a lot of work, allowing me to make more even offsite.
December 7th, 2009
I wanna check my PC battery life. 7 hours its not a bad deal. Thanks for sharing this info. We all would like to read more about this in next article.
December 8th, 2009
That is a pretty impressive battery life, actually. They probably got that 9.5 hours from having the computer on with absolutely nothing else running, but that’s not realistic. Still, 7+ hours is not bad at all.
December 11th, 2009
Thank you for this samall test. I’m currently thinking about buying this laptop.
December 12th, 2009
Added a slave Drive and I get that message. Remove it and still getting the message. checked my monitor and video card and cables: all working fine.
Power supply is fine. thanks…
December 17th, 2009
Great! I want one of those! I just don’t know if I’m going to find this note in any store here in Brazil.