Amazing Motivation Handbook!

Do you have trouble with motivation? Is it hard to get motivated? What about keeping yourself motivated?

I suck at motivation. I go through spurts where I’m able to get lots done, but then I have dry spells. When I’m not motivated, I just can’t seem to get anything done.

But now I have an awesome tool to light a motivational fire for myself. It’s The Essential Motivation Handbook.

The Essential Motivation Handbook is a new ebook by Leo Babauta and Eric Hamm. If …

Attorneys and Phones – What’s Your Poison?

Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Kat Sanders.

There’s no doubting the fact that almost every lawyer possesses a mobile phone – it is sometimes the lifeline that keeps them connected to their office and their clients when they’re on the go. Most of them are either the proud owners of the sturdy workhorse BlackBerry while some others have been swayed by the allure of the new editions of the iPhone. So would you choose the more sedate BlackBerry or the sleeker iPhone?

Well, it all comes down to a matter of personal choice and your budget, but there are …

Great Twitter Client for Windows Mobile

I use a Windows Mobile smart phone (the Moto Q9c from Sprint). And I love Twitter (I’m aflusche).

I’ve been looking for a good Twitter client for my phone. Twikini fits the bill.

Twikini has a great set of features. It works with Twitpic and your phone’s GPS. Of course you can view updates, profiles, and links.

An early version of Twikini totally screwed up my phone. But the developers fixed that bug, and I haven’t had any problems since.

I suggest giving Twikini a try. You might just like it.

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    Lawyer, bicyclist, husband.
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