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EchoSign Customer Service To The Rescue!

EchoSign has a killer product. And their customer service rocks too!

On Friday at 11:53pm, I wrote this post about EchoSign not giving small users access to their API. I wanted to integrate their e-signing system with a total law firm management solution that I’m developing. No dice. Yep, I was a bit angry.

On Saturday at 10:11am, the EchoSign CEO and Co-Founder, Jason Lemkin, commented on my post. He explained why they limit access to their Enterprise API system. And then he added that third-party developers CAN integrate their applications with EchoSign’s API for no charge. Eureka! (Services like Box.net already let users send documents for e-signing through EchoSign with just a couple clicks.)

I then exchanged a couple of private emails with Jason where he further explained the distinction in the API systems. It turned out that we just had a big misunderstanding.

On Sunday at 2:23pm, EchoSign’s support team sent a developer API key and developer’s kit. Awesome!

To recap, I posted a gripe on my humble little blog. Within 39 hours over the weekend, the EchoSign CEO and support team completely resolved the issue.

Stellar customer service!

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