Have Your Finances Prepared Before a Disaster
This is a guest post by Tisha Kulak. If you would like to write a guest post, email me.
With the increase of natural disasters around the country, it is just as important to have your finances in order as it is to have an emergency evacuation plan and sufficient insurance. As part of any family emergency plan, keep the following check list handy and avoid even more devastation after a fire, hurricane, flood, or earthquake happens.
1. Compile a Master List
In order to stay prepared for the worst, make a point to write down all of your various creditors and …
Free Software – Vista, Photoshop, or VMware
Would you like some free software? How about Windows Vista Ultimate, Photoshop CS3, or VMware Workstation 6? BA Software will give it to you!
I’ve been trying to find the catch to this offer, but I can’t. It looks legit, so I’m giving it a try. I’ll post the results here for everyone.
Basically, you can get a free license to any of the above software titles. If you’re a blogger, you just write a post about this giveaway, subscribe to updates at BA Software, and Stumble their giveaway page. Then you email them that …