Good Luck With Bar Exam Studying!

Now that May is almost over, thousands of law school graduates across the country are buckling down to study for the dreaded bar exam. To all of you, I say: good luck!
I just got some unsettling reader feedback, where one bar exam taker said she was already stressed out and my website made her even more stressed. She specifically asked me not to email her back, so I won’t. But I certainly hope all of you guys can have a relaxed and fruitful preparation time.
On that note, I dug up all the past posts I have published about the bar exam process. Hopefully you can get some good nuggets of wisdom out of my experience.
These posts are too late for summer bar exam takers, but hopefully you winter examinees will find them useful:
- Be Productive This Winter Break – Fill Out Your Bar Exam Applications
- Credit Report Aids with Bar Application
How much should you study for the bar exam? I did about 40 hours per week. How Many Hours Do You Work?
A little sarcasm will help release the stress of studying. 3 Reasons Why I Love the Bar Exam
Six tips for the final few stretch of preparation. Bar Exam Home Stretch – Tips for Success
When all else fails, pray! Actually, you should probably do that every day. Wise Bar Exam Words Heard at Church
I actually learned a few things from taking the exam. 5 Life Lessons from the Bar Exam
Look, dad: I passed! Virginia Bar Exam Results
Again, good luck to you all!
Photo by Tengis
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3 Responses to “Good Luck With Bar Exam Studying!”
May 29th, 2008
Hi Andrew: I just read the input you gave Leo on Zen Habits. I think it’s important to let everyone know that getting legal advice doesn’t have to be a prohibitive cost. I went to Law School at Georgetown and I’m a member of the New York Bar. I wasn’t as stressed out while studying for the bar as a lot of other people were, mainly because I held the belief that if you managed to pass your law exams, you took a good bar course and went to all of the lectures, and you studied a reasonable amount of hours, you would be fine. That’s what I did and I was fine. (Now I live in Panama which is where I’m from, so I don’t practice law in the US).
May 29th, 2008
@Marelisa – You’re absolutely right! Graduate from law school, pay attention in your bar study course, do a bit of studying on your own, and you’ll pass. It’s not really rocket science. 🙂
July 21st, 2009
hey – I live in So Cal and I’m about to take the California bar exam next week. Kind of nervous, but it’s my first time, so I figure if I don’t pass, oh well I can always take it again. My family friend failed the bar nine times and then used these PowerDreams CDs and passed it on his next try!
I’m thinking I’ll try them out if I don’t pass the first time. What kind of techniques have you guys used?