Business Card Help – I Need Ideas

It’s time to make some professional business cards for myself. But I don’t want to be stodgy and boring. Can you provide any advice?

I want my cards to coordinate with my law firm website and letterhead. I plan to keep it fairly plain for now. Hopefully in a few months I can have a professional logo designed and re-image everything.

Erica Douglass has a great new card design that I just love. But I’m afraid that’s a bit too fun for a lawyer. Maybe not.

Would you be scared to hire a lawyer …

Sell Books Online – Get Cash for Textbooks

Ever since I wrote about selling textbooks online, a lot of people have read and used that advice. It’s definitely a popular post on this site.

Since the book selling season is approaching again (it’s almost April!), I thought you guys might appreciate a quick glance at the process.

We definitely don’t want anyone hoarding books like the guy in POSSESSED. If you haven’t watched that short documentary, do yourself a favor and check it out.

How to sell books online

My …

Setting up a Home Office

To you regular readers, I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I’ve been working hard on some other ventures.

Specifically, I am actively building a private law practice during my evenings and weekends. I have no plans to leave my full time job, but I definitely want to help out private clients as well.

Have you ever tried to setup a home office? Some things are easy, but some are a little more complicated. For the past few weeks, I’ve been dealing with some basic decisions. And now I offer them …

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    Lawyer, bicyclist, husband.
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