Cool Business Card Idea – Coupon on Back

Is there anything on the back of your business cards? There’s a ton of wasted real estate back there. You could use it for cartoons. Or maybe try another idea….
For your business card to be successful, potential clients must actually contact you. If they throw away your card or don’t call, it’s virtually a waste.
But who will throw away a coupon for a service or product they might need? Some people will, but many others will save it, just because it’s a coupon.
Free legal help
I’m a lawyer. If I give you a card, you might keep it for that rainy day when you need legal help. But what if the back says that you get 2 FREE hours of my time?
Two hours won’t go far in a major lawsuit. But it might make a traffic ticket disappear. In two hours I could review a contract for you or draft a simple document.
If you’ve ever received a bill from a lawyer, you know that two hours is a significant amount of money. Why would I give that away for free? So you’ll use my business card and I’ll become your go-to man for legal issues.
I seriously think I’m going to implement this idea. Now, I just need to integrate a cartoon into my coupon.
What’s on the back of your business card?
Photo by Roadsidepictures
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11 Responses to “Cool Business Card Idea – Coupon on Back”
February 7th, 2008
This is a great idea for a reduction in fee for your service. Or if you buy a home weekend getawy.
I saw someone offering free housekeeping for a year if bought home.
February 7th, 2008
Great idea! We have several web sites and use the two sides to promote a similar web site we have. If you don’t have a product to sell why not an offer on the back of a free link or ad to the person/company you give your card too. Just a thought. Really enjoy your articles. Keep up the great work!
February 8th, 2008
I do not understand. If someone throws away a business card it is not effective. But, here they are scheduled to give the coupon to a cashier, which is essentially the same thing. Card is gone. Contact information is gone. You have gratitude but not much else.
February 9th, 2008
Chuck – My idea is that the coupon will give the card added value. It’s not just another business card. It has contact info for a lawyer PLUS an offer of free assistance. Once they contact me and redeem the coupon, the card has done it’s job. They became a client and hopefully needed more than just the free offer.
Maybe I’m missing something here. What do you think?
February 9th, 2008
That makes a lot of sense. Just the “Tide” coupon wouldn’t have much holdover value.
February 9th, 2008
But, I prefer a card with a Tide coupon on the back. I like Tide. It gets my whites white and keeps my colors so colorful.
February 9th, 2008
I’m an “all” fan myself!
February 18th, 2008
The idea of giving a Tide Coupon I agree doesnt meet the extended goal of a longer life and value to your card in your client’s eyes. I have however seen a card that a realtor gave me that had 12 coupon squares on the back of the card for places such as subway, printing, jack in the box etc; that were good for a year’s period of time. Being that they were for discounts to these retail chains with an expiration date the card was always returned and I thanked the realtor secretely. I might not have purchased my home from her but I certainly kept her card and remember her name. This was such a remarkable idea and I cannot for the life of me find the website that created this promotional genius and she did say she ordered them at an online site that anyone could go to. I remember going there are a few years ago and at the end of designing your card (which you could upload your picture to) you were prompted to pic certain promotional partner incentives for your card and that were specific to your zip code. If any of you know about this site I would love to know what it is.
February 18th, 2008
Lisa – I chose poorly when picking the picture for this article. I would never put a Tide coupon on my card, and I wouldn’t even put coupons like you described. Maybe that works for some people, but I’d want the coupon to be specific to my law practice. That’s where I see the value. Not only does the card recipient have my contact info, but they have a discount on my services.
Thanks for commenting!
February 18th, 2008
Yes a coupon for Macdonald’s doesnt seem to instill dignity into a law practice, no pun intended. It seems to increase branding purposes in realty and im sure some other industries as well. For example I myself am in IT Consulting which is why I did not purchase them when I was at their site a few years ago however I have recently began a small lucrative auction business on the side that I need to grow and provide the most bang for my marketing buck so to speak so I think this will work! Thanks for your blog I found it in the course of looking for the cards…which I found by the way. You can get them at pricey but nominal considering the other advertising mediums. – Lisa
February 29th, 2008
Lisa – Thanks for the info about those coupon cards. Very cool.