AIM Buddies in Google Talk!!
No longer do you have to run two chat clients. As this announcement from Google confirms, you can now chat with your AIM buddies right from the chat window in Gmail.
Score one for simplicity!!
If you’d ever like to chat with me, I’m on GTalk ( and AIM (andrewfflusche). I’m on Skype sometimes, but not very often (aflusche).
If I don’t have your chat screen name, send it on over or drop a comment below. I’d love to get to know you better.
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6 Responses to “AIM Buddies in Google Talk!!”
December 6th, 2007
Very nice! That should come in handy. Now, if only GTalk would include MSN Messenger, I would be in IM heaven.
December 6th, 2007
I hear you there. But that’s why you need to convince those MSN buddies that Microsoft is the devil. 🙂
December 6th, 2007
Well, this was no big news at all to me. When I’m on my PC I use Kopete. When I’m on the go, I use Miranda Portable. When I’m on the go without my jump drive, I use Meebo. When I’m in a sell, I use irssi+bitlbee. Whichever the case, I can use all my IM accounts in one place. What more do I need?
December 13th, 2007
I generally use MSN or Yahoo messenger. Any idea how skype and Gtalk compare? Additional features, etc?
December 13th, 2007
this is groundbreaking? Adium is a much more comprehensive product. at least for macs.
i like ur blog tho.
December 13th, 2007
Hey guys! I love it when my posts spur some discussion….
Integrated IM is not groundbreaking. There are tons of clients that allow you to use multiple IM networks at once.
BUT Google Talk is my preferred network. Now that I can talk to my AIM buddies through Google, I don’t need to use a third-party client. I wrote about using Miranda a while ago, but it’s just one more program to install.
Thanks for all of your comments!