Zen to Done – Productivity at its Simplest

Are you overwhelmed by projects, tasks, and deadlines? But is GTD too complex and confusing for you? It’s time you went for a simple productivity system: Zen to Done (ZTD).
Written by Leo Babauta of the popular Zen Habits site, Zen to Done focuses on a core set of productive habits. At its simplest, ZTD is only 4 habits that you implement in your daily life. To become a productivity master, advance to 10 habits. You’ll then truly achieve zenful productivity in all areas of your life.
ZTD started as a series of posts on Leo’s site. If you enjoy those articles, you’ll love the expanded content in the e-book!
The four core habits of ZTD are: collect, process, plan, and do. Leo’s book explores these habits in a simple manner, helping everyone to implement them in daily life.
What are you waiting for? Go grab a copy of Zen to Done for yourself and become a productivity master! Leo’s offering a 100% money-back guarantee if you decide it’s not worth the money!!
Really, it’s worth purchasing. And it’s only $9.50!
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3 Responses to “Zen to Done – Productivity at its Simplest”
November 29th, 2007