My Tasks Reside in Toodledo, Where Are Yours?

If you’ve been around this blog a while, you know that I’m a loyal GTD cult member. I also love online productivity tools. In fact, I change tools with the wind.
For a while I used MonkeyGTD. Then I switched to Vitalist. I was pretty happy with Vitalist, until they announced a new, restrictive pricing plan. Even though they revised it, I had already changed systems.
Toodledo who?
If you haven’t seen Toodledo yet, you should go give it a peak. I’ve only been using it a few weeks, but I love this little application. It does everything you’d expect of a to-do app, all included in a snazzy interface. They even have a comparison chart so you can easily pick from the other similar applications out there.
Here are a couple of factors that influenced my Toodledo choice:
- Folders + contexts – GTD uses contexts to organize actions, but I also wanted a work/personal division. Toodledo supports contexts and folders. I made folders for “work” and “personal,” so now I can view tasks in whichever breakdown I need.
- Great price – The free version of Toodledo is suiting my needs well, but the pro version is only $14.95 per year. If I need extra features down the road, that’s well within my price range.
- Easy customization – I rarely use software out-of-the-box, so I love it when customizations are easy. Toodledo has a great settings page where you can tailor quite a bit of its features.
What about you?
Now it’s your turn. How do you keep your tasks orderly? Are you a pen & paper guy? Perhaps you use Outlook (gasp!). The comments are open!
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10 Responses to “My Tasks Reside in Toodledo, Where Are Yours?”
September 3rd, 2007
I’m a total pen and paper guy. I’ve made my own DIY Franklin Planner that does exactly what I need. However, if there’s one electronic planner that could make me convert to digital, it’s Scrybe. I finally got a beta invite after 6 months of waiting. I’m blown away by it. It’s super easy to use and the interface is really slick.
September 3rd, 2007
Brett – The big dilemma with pen and paper is not having it when I need it. Do you carry your planner everywhere? I’m tempted to buy a Moleskine and see how I like it.
September 3rd, 2007
I pretty much carry it with me everywhere. It’s the Classic planner size, so it’s kind of big. If I go somewhere where carrying my main planner is inconvenient, I’ll have my satellite planner with me (Moleskin). I use it to capture stuff with. At the end of the day, I synch my satellite material with the mothership planner. It’s worked out well for me.
September 4th, 2007
I too am a paper person. The closest I’ve gotten so far in going digital is D3. Web-based apps offer convenience and features, but I can’t justify “giving” my data to another party, especially if it’s privileged or sensitive info. D3 offered me a great solution in that it lived in my browser and carried with me on a USB drive.
I currently have a letter-sized Levenger Circa. The larger size is a bit much to carry around, but I like to print out documents to include in my planner. The Circa notebook is for planning, reference and future items. When I’m mobile, I keep my tasks on 3×5 cards as a satellite to my main planner.
September 4th, 2007
Stew & Brett – Thanks for all of your thoughts on paper-based systems. I don’t think I’m ready to jump from the e-ship yet, but you’ve got me considering it.
By the way, I love the mothership / satellite distinction. Sweet!
September 28th, 2007
Toodledo looks pretty nice. It has similar features to Mentat which is what I use at work.
Mentat has a few more things like Jott support so you can call in tasks from your cell phone on the move. It also has a snazzy iPhone interface, and a desktop Agenda view that lets you sample tasks from any of your chosen project folders and decide what to do that day.
It works splendidly for everything from bug tracking to collaborating with contractors to getting groceries, for me at least. We recently went live with it too, so you should try it out and let us know what you think. We really appreciate any feedback as we are still developing features.
September 28th, 2007
Mothership/sattelite distinction is awesome, Brett, I agree. Our ex-aerospace CEO would love that one!
September 28th, 2007
Erik – Mentat does look like a capable system. I would give it a try, but I just can’t justify switching systems right now. However, I’m sure I’ll get bored with Toodledo before too long. 🙂
October 10th, 2007
I too am a big fan of Toodledo and am really working on putting together the best way of tracking items with it.
I was disappointed that there was no message boards or user forums so I created some at
We’re still a small group but growing steadily. Come by and share your tips and tricks.
October 10th, 2007
Great work in creating the Toodledo forum. That’s some pretty good initiative!