Law School Admissions Help

Thanks to my good buddy, Brett McKay, I found out how you can attend a law school admissions webinar for FREE.

Ann K. Levine is a law school expert, and she is trying to help you get into the law school of your dreams. She’s even started a blog now!

She’s hosting a webinar on August 4 entitled “I’ve Taken the LSAT; Now What?” To gain your free attendance, you have to go read the instructions at Brett’s blog, …

Bar Exam Home Stretch – Tips for Success

As I write this, thousands of aspiring attorneys are staring at the most important test of our careers. Failing the bar exam isn’t fatal, but nobody wants it to happen. You can retake it, but that delays your license, costs more money, requires more studying, and might even cost your job.

My exam (and other Virginia examinees) is less than four days away. So what should I be doing right now? What should you do? How are these final days best spent?

1. Review the big picture

Now is not the time to try to study tiny exceptions …

Alexa Toolbar for Firefox – Get Sparky!

Alexa has long ignored Firefox users by only having a toolbar for Internet Explorer. As of this week, that has now changed.

On Monday, Alexa released it’s Firefox toolbar: Sparky. Supposedly, they waited this long to release it on Alexa’s 10 year anniversary. Sure. Whatever.

The important thing is that you can download Sparky and have your web usage counted by Alexa. This means that Firefox users now matter in Alexa rankings. It will be interesting to see if traffic rankings change a little, due to some sites being frequented more than others by …

Best Legal Business Card Ideas

I have a small fascination with business cards (here, here, here, and here). They’re ubiquitous in our world, and they’re also garbage to many people. But I think they can be so much more. That’s why I wanted to share some great business card designs with you (a couple were discussed by Susan Cartier Liebel).

Legal advice on the back

As Larry Bodine illustrates, a criminal …

3 Mouse Scroll Wheel Tricks for Firefox

Don’t you love handy little tricks that make life easier? I stumbled on one last night, and then I found another one today. Now it’s time to share!

Everyone knows that their mouse scrollwheel scrolls windows vertically. But do you know what else it can do?

1. Change font size

There isn’t a standard font size on the web. People use all different sizes for their sites, from really small to incredibly huge. This is especially problematic if you have vision problems.

Hold down CTRL while you scroll the mouse wheel, and your Firefox font will change sizes. …

Links – Hyperlinks in Legal Writing, Time Versus Money

Here’s a couple tidbits to share with you on a Saturday afternoon.

Australian lawyer Stephen Warne posted a nice piece using hyperlinks in your legal documents. It’s rudimentary for experienced Word users, but a nice reminder for all of us. Found via Raymond Ward.

Mark Shead is asking some good questions about time versus money in his latest article: Being More Productive vs. Reducing Expenses. Instead of solely focusing on productivity to earn more money, think about reducing expenses. It’s a nice …

Don’t Forget About Amazon Associates

In our busy world, it’s easy to forget about things that are on the back burner. That’s what happened to me with Amazon Associates.

I signed up with Amazon way back when I started blogging, but I never saw any money coming my way. I put some links and product units on my pages, but nothing really happened with them.

Then AdSense started to kick in nicely, followed by Text Link Ads. I naturally focused on the programs that were actually bearing fruit. Consequently, I neglected Amazon Associates.

But a couple weeks ago I actually got an …

Pandora Can Help You Study

I’m a bit behind the times with some things. I blog, I own an iPod, and I even have a cell phone now. But I hadn’t tried Pandora until yesterday. How did I miss out on this for so long?!?!

If you’re even further behind than me, Pandora is your own, personal, free internet radio. Go to, type in an artist, song, or music type, and then listen to high-quality, free music.

There are lots of bells and whistles, but that’s the basic concept. You can give each track a thumbs up or thumbs …

Network with Solo and Small Firm Lawyers

Now that I’m actually on the cusp of being a real attorney, I’m on the lookout for networking opportunities. I’ve already got my job nailed down, but I definitely want to know other lawyers and make solid connections.

Thus, I’m delighted to have joined Solosez. It’s the American Bar Association’s network devoted to solo and small firm practitioners. The cool thing is that anyone can join.

The main benefit of Solosez is the awesome list serve, hosted by the ABA. I’ve seen a ton of great information go through that list, and I’ve only been …

Maximize Productivity with Browser Tabs

I’ve long been a fan of Firefox’s tabbed browsing. My typical workflow involves a single Firefox window with a whole bunch of tabs open.

But how can I work productively this way? It hasn’t always worked so well, but I’ve got it nailed down now. Here’s my system:

Make them smaller

I have several standard tabs that are open all day long. You’ve probably got similar ones – Gmail, Google Reader, etc.

Since you know these pages by their favicons, you don’t need the full tab displayed. Save some screen space by installing the FaviconizeTab Firefox extension.

With FaviconizeTabs, …

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