3 Mouse Scroll Wheel Tricks for Firefox

Don’t you love handy little tricks that make life easier? I stumbled on one last night, and then I found another one today. Now it’s time to share!

Everyone knows that their mouse scrollwheel scrolls windows vertically. But do you know what else it can do?

1. Change font size

There isn’t a standard font size on the web. People use all different sizes for their sites, from really small to incredibly huge. This is especially problematic if you have vision problems.

Hold down CTRL while you scroll the mouse wheel, and your Firefox font will change sizes. You can also do this with CTRL and +/-, but that requires taking your hand off the mouse, and I’m lazy. CTRL, 0 will restore the font size to normal.

2. Scroll through tabs

How many tabs do you usually have open? Right now the ‘fox is running 20 for me. Needless to say, Firefox adds its scroll arrows and doesn’t display all of them at once.

Scroll the mouse wheel while you hover over the tabs. Magically, the tabs scroll back and forth, letting you pick whatever you want. This is awesome, in my opinion!

3. Slow vertical scrolling

Vertical scrolling works great, except that it makes the jump a bit. In long passages, that becomes hard to read.

Hold down ALT while you scroll the wheel, and the page scrolls slower and more smoothly. Perfect for getting your daily fix of blogs!

Other tricks?

I tried other key combos, but these are all I discovered. However, you can find general scroll wheel tips over at TidBITS.

I’m sure some of you readers have a few wheel hacks up your sleeves. Let’s hear them. How do you power up that scrollwheel?

[tags]firefox, mouse, scrollwheel, scroll wheel[/tags]

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2 Responses to “3 Mouse Scroll Wheel Tricks for Firefox”

  1. Snoskred
    July 17th, 2007

    Brilliant! I didn’t know these tricks.. But I am using one that I read somewhere the other day – if you hover over a link and click the mouse scroll down, it opens the link in a new tab.. 🙂 much easier than the right click thing, it’s saving me heaps of time!

    I think this might be my first time commenting here though I have been here before, it’s difficult to forget your blog template! How original and I love the orange. I am reading you via the No Nofollow | I Follow | DoFollow Community at Bumpzee, on the RSS feed.

    I’m sure I’ll be back!

    Snoskred – has a new home at –

  2. Andrew Flusche
    July 17th, 2007

    Hi Snoskred,

    I’m glad you found these tips useful. I definitely should’ve included your middle-click tip. That is a huge time saver when browsing.

    I look forward to seeing you again!

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