My Killer GTD Setup, in Progress
Bar review is stealing my life! Consequently, I’m really late in responding to GTD Marvelz’s killer GTD setup meme. He tagged me with this great project, so here’s my humble contribution. He’s keeping a running list of other killer GTD setups.
The main tool
Every GTD system needs a place to hold lists, actions, contexts, projects, etc. This is the main tool in any GTD setup.
I’ve used and abandoned a number of tools, both on and offline. Currently, I’m …
Facebook Applications Take Over the World
It’s 2025… We renew our driver’s licenses through Facebook… We vote for President through a Facebook application… And Elvis has come home!
Seriously, aren’t these Facebook applications taking over everyone’s favorite social network? I feel left in the dust. I was just getting the hang of adding friends, changing my status, and updating my profile picture. I haven’t a clue what many of these gidgets do.
Facebook applications blog
Have no fear. Brett McKay is here! That’s right, your favorite personal finance law student has started a shiny new blog all about …
Head Shave 101 – My Head is Bald!
The shaved head is becoming quite stylish. Heck, even female head shaving has taken off among celebrities like Britney Spears and Natalie Portman.
If you’re looking to shave your own head, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll explain the best way to get a shaved head, and you won’t even need a trip to the barber shop.
I shaved my head
(click to enlarge)I’m really into simple living, especially when it comes to personal hygiene. I’ve been sporting a buzz cut for a couple years, and I …
Lawyer Lies to be Juror, Blog Threatens Verdict
Some lawyers deserve the despicable reputation that people assign to the profession. Please don’t hold that against all lawyers, though. 🙂
An attorney in California apparently lied during jury selection to obtain a seat on the jury. Instead of disclosing that he is a licensed attorney, he said he was a project manager for a technology company. He ended up becoming the jury’s foreman. (Associated Press article)
To showcase his intelligence, he blogged about the trial, including his falsified profession and detailed information about the jury’s deliberations. …
How Do You Connect – Cell, Blackberry, Treo?
Are you trying to simplify your life? Me too.
That’s the way I’m getting a cell phone. I need to be reachable and to make phone calls on the go. I also want better access to my email, and a few other online apps.
But after living without one for 3 years, jumping back into the connected world is intimidating. What carrier do I go with? What type of phone do I get? What services do I need?
Then I realized that most of you probably have cell phones. So now I’m asking you:
How do you …
Traffic Break – Google Hell and StumbleUpon
Everybody wants more traffic, right? Here’s a couple quick thoughts on that subject.
Bloggers definitely like StumbleUpon. I’ve had some decent luck with it in the past, but I finally found the perfect content for it: 11 Reasons to Fire Your Lawyer.
This little post was a quick thought I had a couple weeks back. I finally published it, and it got 415 visits from StumbleUpon in a single day. In my book, that’s awesome! It’s serious content, but it also has a humorous tone. I’ll definitely try to repeat that. 🙂
Second, I’ve …
Looky Linkies – Time Wasters, Easy HTML Tags
I decided to take a break from bar review to share a couple of great links with you guys.
Interview: Biggest Time Waster (at Productivity501)
I am honored to participate in Mark’s cool interview series. He sent three questions to a group of productivity bloggers, and now he’s publishing all our answers. Because of the great response, he’s doing a post on each question. Today’s feature is “What is the single biggest way people waste time without even realizing it?” It’s a great read!
11 Reasons to Fire Your Lawyer
How many professionals tell you when to fire them? Not many. I’m not a lawyer yet, but I’m happy to explain when lawyers should be fired.
I am a licensed Virginia attorney, but this isn’t legal advice. This post is educational only
Fire your lawyer if…
He’s a jerk.
Nobody wants to pay hard earned money to a jerk. As the client, it’s your right to fire your lawyer, even if he’s just being a jerk. You don’t need a special reason. I hope I would be fired for being a jerk.
He’s not really a lawyer.
It is against the …
Sidebar – Fun Google Easter Eggs
And now, for something completely different…
Courtesy of Google Maps, I show you the great State of Chair. It recently joined the Union to replace several of the old Western states. The capitol is located in the bustling city of Cushion.
Seriously, my wife pulled up Google Maps the other day, and the default map of the U.S. showed this funky image. It’s not something from her computer cache (that she recognized anyway). She tried refreshing, and it stayed there for a couple times, but finally …
Lunch, Break, and Hour Laws You Should Know
Do you get a lunch break? What about a coffee break? How many hours do you work in a week? Think your employer is violating labor laws? Let’s answer your questions!
Basic introduction
Disclaimer: As of this writing, I am not a licensed attorney. This article is for general education only. If you need legal advice, consult a lawyer licensed in your jurisdiction.
This article focuses on U.S. law. If you are in another country, hopefully it will give you some ideas to consider and a basic education on general labor laws.
Your employer must follow several …