Lawyers Seize the Power of Contextual Ads
I meandered over to Digg’s terms of use, and my eye was drawn to the advertising banner at the top of the page. Usually I tune out Adsense ads, but these caught my eye.
(for formatting of the page, the image appears below this post)
I’ve seen lawyer Adsense ads before, but it was funny to see them on Digg. Most of the ads a user encounters there are techie or video games or something that the Digg crowd would be interested in. But I guess only a lawyer would be interested in reading the terms of …
Month in Review – February
Another month has gone by. It’s time for a quick summary of what’s been happening here at Legal Andrew.
This month saw two awesome records for the blog. First, traffic went up 10% (!) to 5,635 visitors for the month. Second, the single biggest traffic day (ever!) was February 15, with 355 visitors. I’m proud!
Popular posts
1. This month’s most popular post was Next Actions 101 – Put it on Your List. This was the first article in a GTD series I wrote, and it turned out …