Get Your Own Domain and WordPress for Your Blog

This is my entry for the blogging mistakes group writing project at Daily Blog Tips.

When I started blogging (almost a year ago!), I registered for a free account over at This was a mistake.

If you’re really serious about having a quality, respectable blog, don’t hesitate to get your own domain. Install WordPress on it, and you’ll be ready to go.

Free hosts are great for the casual blogger, but they’re not right for companies or individuals wanting to distinguish themselves. The primary reason is control. If you own …

Great Podcast for Law Basics and Legal Information

Are you looking for some answers to basic legal questions? Do you listen to podcasts? If so, check out Legal Lad’s Quick and Dirty Tips for a More Lawful Life.

I’ve been listening to Legal Lad for a few weeks, trying to decide if I like it or not. I finally decided that it’s a pretty good resource for basic legal questions. Each episode is pretty short (about 5 minutes) and covers a small topic (like “do you need a will?” or “how to find a lawyer”).

The only question …

Hide PayPerPost Opportunities That You Don’t Want

I haven’t hidden the fact that I do paid posts from time to time. Yes, I even take opportunities from PayPerPost.

There are usually anywhere from 60 to 100+ opportunities in the PayPerPost database. Since they’ve segmented their bloggers by PageRank and category, I’m not eligible for all opportunities. Plus, most of them have nothing to do with the site here.

I want to hide opportunities that aren’t applicable to me.

That’s why I created a simple Firefox extension that allows users to hide PayPerPost opportunities. It adds …

How to: Start a Legal Blog

Does your firm have a blog? Why not? Perhaps you don’t know how to start a blog. To help with that, I’ve created a simple guide that covers the steps involved. Whether you do this yourself or have a consultant do it, it’s all pretty easy.


The mere setup of a blog is quite simple. You need a host and a blogging platform. There are many options here.

You could get a quick free setup from Blogger or WordPress. These are both decent, but they lack the professional …

Tidbits – GTD for Finances, Cool Blogging Resource

I came across two great pages that I wanted to share with you. This is a short post, so it will be filed away in my new “Tidbit” category.

First, you should definitely check out Brett McKay’s application of GTD to finances. He’s got a really good explanation of the “weekly financial review” that we should all be doing. Maybe I should start digging out receipts.

Second, Darren is writing a great blog on blog promotion called Blogged Out. He’s going through some important basics that we …

Give to Other Bloggers, and You’ll Receive in Return

Why should you blog? Because you’ll make connections. By giving to other bloggers, you’ll receive in return.

A while ago, I stumbled on a blog called Brazen Careerist. It had some interest career-related content, so I subscribed. I linked to it a couple times, commented a time or two, and emailed the author, Penelope Trunk.

Now, I’m receiving a free bound galley of her new book, Brazen Careerist, featured at right. This is the first time anyone has offered something like this to me. I’m definitely …

Sidebar – Free Software for Fun and Productivity

#ga_block { width: 250px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 6px; border: 1px solid #cccccc; margin-top: 8px; }
#ga_block img { display: block; border: none; }
#ga_block #ga_title { font: normal 12px Verdana, sans-serif; border: none; margin: 4px 0 0 0; }
#ga_block #ga_title a { text-decoration: none; color: #096D15; }
#ga_block #ga_text { font: normal 11px Arial, sans-serif; border: none; margin: 0.5em 0 0 0; }
#ga_block #ga_text a { text-decoration: none; color: #333333 }
#ga_block #ga_text p { margin: 4px 0; }
#ga_block #ga_text img { display: block; position: relative; float: left; border: none; margin: 0 1em …

What do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

There’s a new meme going around the blogosphere, and I got tagged by Brett Kelly. Now I’m supposed to tell you guys what I want to be when I grow up.


When I was a wee tot, I dreamed of being a dragon. I’d get to terrorize small villages, breathe fire, and fly. What boy doesn’t want that?!

Later on, I realized that I was predisposed not to be a dragon. Apparently I only have human genes.


I have always been into woodworking, and carpentry was the chosen profession of …

Spruce Up Your Blog with Images, Courtesy of Flickr and Creative Commons

When blogs are just text, they’re boring. This is a problem with lots of legal blogs.

An easy way to prettify your blog is to add images to it. They don’t have to perfectly tie into the post, but they should be close and visually appealing.

But where do you find free images you can use? Flickr, everyone’s favorite photo sharing site.

With Flickr you can easily search for pictures based on any term(s) that might come to mind. The odds are great that you’ll find tons of …

Why Do Adults Misunderstand Social Networks?

(photo by pfly)
Apparently a Michigan Catholic school is banning students from using MySpace (news article via Bloggers Blog). If students don’t have their profiles removed, they are suspended.

While I think it’s questionable for any school to regulate student activity outside of school functions, my focus here is different. What is it about social networks (and the internet in general) that adults misunderstand?

Kids will simply move

Young people are usually on …

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