Facebook Trounces MySpace for Networking

I try to be on top of online trends and new technology. So I’m a little ashamed to say that I just registered with facebook yesterday. Even worse, I only signed up for MySpace a few weeks ago. In my opinion, both these sites aim to accomplish the same task, but facebook does it much better.

Instant friends

Facebook imported my contacts from Gmail and figured out that some of them were already facebook’ers. With my permission, it send friend requests to a couple dozen people. Within minutes, I had friends!

Finding and adding more friends was quick and easy too. I just added my schools, jobs, etc. I then searched for people I knew, saw what friends of theirs I knew, and sent more friend requests. All in all, it only took a few minutes to reconnect with old classmates and friends. Amazing!

Awesome interface

Yeah, this is only a superficial detail, but facebook’s interface is so much better than MySpace’s. The pages stay consistent between people, and it’s quick and easy to navigate around. I can’t stand the way MySpace allows users to jack with their profile pages, making things virtually unreadable!

Easily keep up

The winning feature with facebook is the way it keeps me updated on friends. I can view what’s going on with people I care about, just by checking out my home page. That is crucial in today’s busy world.

MySpace offers…

Nothing. From what I can tell, MySpace provides a page where you can add friends. Then your friends can leave you fun little notes on your page.

Facebook provides this and more. Friends can write on my wall, give me a “gift,” host events, start groups, have message boards, and so much more.

A friend warned me that facebook is addictive. What can I say? I’m an addict!

[tags]legal andrew, facebook, myspace[/tags]

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One Response to “Facebook Trounces MySpace for Networking”

  1. Mr Article
    September 8th, 2008

    Great post, very well thought out… I must disagree however, i think that MySpace is so much better than facebook, obviously not on the advanced and application filled side but just in general. Facebook confuses me, the layout is annoying and the features are too much, i prefer the much simpler myspace. It’ll be good to see how both of these social networks progress over the next couple of years though, for sure.

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