Easily Play Wav Files with Windows Sound Recorder
Do you ever need to quickly and easily play a WAV file? We use VoIP for our phone, so we get our voicemail emailed to us. Thus, I often have a WAV file that I want to play.
Previously, I would have to download the file, wait for iTunes to fire up, then play the file. What a waste, just a little WAV file.
To make this quicker, I told my computer to play all WAV files using Windows’ built in “Sound Recorder” application. It loads in a flash and plays the file. Quick and easy. Here’s how you can do it too.
1. Open Windows Explorer and select Tools > Folder Options.
2. Click the File Types tab and scroll to the WAV extension. Click Change.
3. In the Open With window, click Browse.
4. In the explorer window, navigate to WINDOWS\System32\sndrec32.exe. Click Open.
5. Save all your changes, clicking OK or whatever else to get through the windows.
You’re all done. I’ve included handy screenshots of this process.
Keep Your Readers – Focus on Exit Rate, not Page Views
Don’t we all want more readers? I know I do. In that sense, even the lowliest of us z-listers fit right in with the top-ranked websites around. We’re all trying to increase readership. But how do you achieve that?
Page views don’t matter
OK, so that’s obviously not true. The more page views you have, the more readers you likely have. Thus, they are some indication of your reader base.
However, they are not the be all, end all. An individual article or entire website could have thousands of page views, but very few real readers. …
A Next Action and a Project – Getting Things Done
Do you ever have a simple task that gets put off for no good reason? You know, something you’ve been needing to do, but just can’t get it done?
I’ve been needing to get a dental checkup for quite some time. I don’t have any teeth problems, but I want to get back on a six month checkup schedule. Since insurance pays for it, why not?
The problem has been that I just couldn’t get motivated to do it. I’ve put it off, delayed, and not thought about. But all …
The Lazy Man’s Packing List
How many times a year do you have to travel somewhere? If you’re like most people, you probably travel far more often that you want. Lawyers and law students have to travel a particularly sane amount, be it for depositions, interviews, or court appearances.
I finally got tired of writing out a packing list every time a trip came along. So I developed my lazy man’s packing list. It’s just a Word document that has my basic packing list already typed out. I print out a copy, then handwrite …
My Favorite WordPress Plugins
The other day I wrote a post that prompted a great comment from Law Student. One thing he wondered was what WordPress plugins I use here at Legal Andrew.
So many choices!
One thing I love about WordPress is the endless opportunities for customization. There are thousands of themes and plugins you can install. This makes it so even the least tech-able person can have a WordPress blog that looks & performs exactly the way he wants it.
However, part of the difficulty with …
File 13 and GTD – When All Else Fails, Trash It!
Have you read David’s book on getting things done? I finally got my hands on a copy last week (free from the library!) and I’m starting to dig in. Hopefully my productivity will go through the roof.
The first thing that stands out to me is the importance of the trash can. In quite a few places, David reiterates that we should purge, trash, recycle, and get rid of things we don’t need. Why? How do you know …
Discussing RSS With Clients – Read Short Stories
Do your clients read blogs? Do they understand what RSS can do for them? Heck, do you use an RSS reader?
Here’s my attempt to help you explain RSS to clients. I even made a nifty graphic!
Read short stories
No, that’s not what RSS officially stands for. However, it will work for this simple explanation. When you want to read the web, don’t scour websites one at a time. Use RSS. You can Read Short Stories in no time by using this cool technology.
Save time
That is the huge benefit of RSS. In the days …
The Networking Carnival – Fourth Edition – Help for Newbies
Are you ready for some whirly fun at the carnival? The response for this month’s networking carnival was great! Here’s what Thom posted, that I asked people to respond to:
A new year has begun. Instead of doing the typical New Year’s resolution, let’s focus on something a bit different. Let’s help out the people who are new to networking. Provide your best tip to help networking newbies start the year right.
So without further ado, here comes the …
Enhance Your Online Presence With a Video Greeting
Are you trying to have a strong and positive online presence? If you’re in a job search, you definitely should focus on your “Google juice.”
In other words, what do people find when they search for you online? Fortunately, this is in your control.
One important thing you can do is to have a personal website or blog. A great option is to register the domain that consists of your name “johndoe.com.” This provides a great way to showcase yourself for anyone who may be looking for you (especially potential legal employers).
Another method is to create an audio …
Online Networking with JibberJobber – Part 3
This is Part 3 in a series of posts on Jason Alba’s Career Toolset, JibberJobber. Check out Part 1 and Part 2
I think I’ve covered the basics of JibberJobber, so this final post is really to highlight a couple things I didn’t get to yet.
First, JibberJobber has a neat online “Library.” Basically, users input links, articles, and books that they find interesting. You can share your library items with others or keep them …