Don’t Be Left Out – Get LinkedIn!
Surely you’ve heard about LinkedIn. It’s an online networking tool for professionals. It also has jobs, services, and a Q&A section. Needless to say, it’s powerful.
I’ve written about LinkedIn before, especially how lawyers can use it. Today I saw an awesome post at Ernie the Attorney. He explains that he checks his LinkedIn home page every day, to see any updates in his network.
I decided to take Ernie’s advice and check my home page as well. …
You Don’t Need a Mouse to Send an Email
One of the popular features around here is the Kill Your Mouse series I wrote a while back. I was pleased to learn this morning that another blog is now starting a similar thread of posts.
The Cranking Widgets Blog has its first “no mouse required” post up, and it teaches mouse-less emailing in Outlook. This is a great thing to learn for that task we all do so many times each day.
I’ll definitely be …
Law Firm Video – The Next Big Thing
If you thought having a website put your firm on the cutting edge, think again. That’s right, the future of law firms isn’t in that static web page you threw together last year. It’s not even in the revamp you hired a design firm to build. It’s on video!
Announce your candidacy
We all know that politicians will go the extra mile to get attention. But there’s got to be a reason that presidential candidates have integrated video in their campaigns. With candidates announcing on video, daily video conversations, and who knows what to come, you can’t …
Punch up Your Legal Research – Start With FREE Search Engines
Do you Google legal matters? Chuck Newton has a terrific post about using Wikipedia, Google, et al. on legal research projects.
Chuck definitely isn’t advocating ending your legal research with nothing but free online search engines. However, he points out that you’re passing on some great info if you neglect them. Heck, even judges are citing Wikipedia these days!
Personally, I love that free online research is becoming acceptable in the legal profession. We should always verify sources and not just cite a random blog to stand for X …
“This Semester” Class Action – First Submission!
If you missed yesterday’s post about the first ever “Class Action” at Legal Andrew, be sure to check it out. This is a group writing project where all of you awesome readers write a post about “This Semester….” Then I link to your posts here, organizing everyone’s writings into one “class action.”
The first submission was sent in today by Saramel at Reasonable Expectations. She’s a new mom who is starting law school this fall. That …
Please Join My Class Action: This Semester…
I’m filing a class action, and I need you! I want to include each and every one of you in this “class.”
What are we suing for?
You’re probably scratching your head, wondering what the heck I’m talking about. We’re not suing anyone. Luckily, I’m here to explain my cryptic ways.
In the style of the group writing projects at Ben’s Instigator Blog and Darren’s ProBlogger, I decided to organize this little …
Reader Question – Update Cross-Reference Footnote Numbers in Word
I recently received a great question from a reader, Dani. I’m guessing she read my post on using Word cross-references, since that’s the topic of her question. Here’s what she asked:
When I use the cross-referencing feature in footnotes, the notes do not automatically update. They seem to ‘know’ that the corresponding fn number has been changed (when I control + click on the cross-referenced footnote, it takes me to the correct footnote), but it continues to call it by the old number. Any advice?
The problem for Dani was that Word does not automatically update the …
New Template and WordPress 2.1 – What Do You Think?
Legal Andrew’s got a brand new face! After several months of the old blue theme, I finally got tired of it. Perhaps you did too.
Thus, I’ve changed to a much simpler theme. The goal was to give the blog a new face, but also to simplify the look. This theme is based on yellowhite3c. Obviously, I changed the colors a bit.
Also, I upgraded to WordPress 2.1. It’s a pretty straightforward process to upgrade, and now I’ve got the benefit of this nifty post editor that autosaves every two minutes. That feature …
Don’t Let Your Law Firm Lag Behind – Start a Blog
Got blog? That’s what your partners should be asking about your law firm. In today’s market, there’s simply no reason why your firm shouldn’t have a presence in the blogosphere.
Why? I’m glad you asked. Blogopreneur Kian Ann has a great post on the subject.
Kian explains that there are over 57 million blogs being published. If only 1% of them actually have any decent content, that still means there are 570,000 blogs that are conducting active conversations.
Of these active blogs, how many …
Speak Up to Advance Your Career, Get Better Law School Grades
That’s something they don’t teach in law school, but they should.
I was sitting in TWO different classes today, and I couldn’t hear what other students were saying in response to questions from the professor. I don’t have the best hearing, but I guarantee that these people were mumbling under the breath, staring down at their desks or buried in their books. Apparently the professor heard them, but I don’t see how all the students in the room could.
So what’s the point? Project your voice. This doesn’t mean that you always speak in the same volume. …