Prepare for Exams: Curb Your Blogging Addiction
Are you addicted to blogging? Do you spend your day reading RSS feeds, commenting on posts, and responding to your readers? If so, what are you going to do when exam time rolls around in a few weeks? As one reader asked, “Any suggestions on curbing the blogging addiction so my grades don’t suffer?” Here you go:
Set time limits – In the run up to exam time, set (and stick to) firm time limits on your blog reading and ‘riting. For …
Law School Lessons Learned in Prison
Do you ever get addicted to a simple little game? Solitaire? Tetris? Sudoku? For me, it’s a free Palm game called The Prison. It’s a breakout-type game where you bust bricks with a bouncing ball.
As I was playing The Prison recently, I had the stunning realization that it actually teaches the player quite a bit. I’m sure many other games like this do the same. Here are the law school lessons I’ve learned in prison:
Don’t count your lives
When I first …