Post-Thanksgiving Goal – Beta Test Law Contracting Classified System

This post is my contribution in the Instigator Blog’s group writing project, Post-Thanksgiving Goals. (image courtesy of Instigator Blog)

My goal between now and Christmas is quite simple. I plan to beta test a new website I am developing (with the design help of my wife). If all goes well (and people like it), the end goal is to be live and kicking by January 1.

Simply put, the website will be an online classified ad system for lawyers who work on …

Learn About Technology Online, For Free

Are there technologies you wish you knew more about? Do you find the law sucking up all your time to keep abreast of i-gizmos, pod-thingies, and the like? You need some free, online courses.

Thanks to the cool productivity blog, Lifehacker, I found the awesome courses offered by CNET. They provide an interactive learning environment for you to catch up on technology and learn from your peers.

From what I understand, the courses actually have begin & end dates. However, I believe you can …

Westlaw Preference Overrides “Link Viewer”

Do you have the impression that Westlaw is just “the man” or a big, faceless organization? Honestly, I did too. Until today.

I opened Gmail to find an email from a Westlaw employee. Actually, it’s from the VP for New Product Development. He read my blog. In particular, he saw my Greasemonkey scripts for Westlaw (kill the mini-window and rename windows).

Now, instead of using the mini-window Greasemonkey script, Westlaw actually provides a preference where you can officially disable the “link viewer.” …

Develop Your Exam Study Schedule

For law students, Thanksgiving break marks the final stretch of time until exams begin. After this weekend, most of us have about two weeks of classes, and then it’s time to prove our abilities (or not).

Law Student has a great article on preparing your exam schedule. It explains how to decide when to study for which classes, and what you should focus on during your study time. This is a great resource that you should definitely check out.

The one caveat I would add …

Custom Computer Setup for Remote Trials

Don’t you love the way big law firms spend money on useless things? Ok, maybe they’re not useless. But there are ways they could have the same functionality with a lot less cost.

For instance, Beirne Maynard & Parson has a write-up on about their “trial-in-a-box” setup. Basically, they have some computers and wireless phones in a nifty custom-made case. When they need to travel for a trial, they haul the cases along and setup a mobile office.

I’m tempted to …

Get Your Online Mock Jury at TrialJuries

Are you a litigator in need of a mock jury? Don’t have the cash and time to bring people into your office for a day? You should check out TrialJuries.

As Robert Ambrogi explains, the site was created by two lawyers. Basically, attorneys submit statements of the case (in text, audio, or video). TrialJuries then assigns mock jurors from the appropriate venue. The jurors login, review the case, and then answer the verdict and feedback forms (that the submitting attorney defines).

The cost varies from $1500 …

Results of Lawyers Marketing on MySpace

Do you have an account on MySpace? Do you even know what it is? Honestly, I’ve never been to MySpace, but all the kids are talking about it.

I wrote about lawyers using MySpace for marketing a while ago. The subject just keeps coming up. Today, I saw a really interesting post from Kevin’s LexBlog Blog which provides some summary information about different experiences lawyers have had on MySpace.

It all depends

In the end, it seems like some …

Full Disclosure Coming At You

Sponsored Post

As you might have read a while back, I am now participating in two “sponsored posts” programs (PayPerPost and ReviewMe). If you’re a regular reader, you will remember my initial post on ReviewMe. You will also see that I haven’t flooded your feed aggregator with spam posts, just to earn a few cents.

This post constitutes my first one for PayPerPost. I thought it fitting that this post be about full disclosure, which I personally guarantee to you. I just …

Law Firm Project Management via Wiki

Do you struggle with managing the documents and communications within your law firm? Perhaps you have a complex document management system, along with email. How do you keep the emails connected in the context of the appropriate client & matter? Maybe you should think about a Wiki.

A whati?

A wiki. Have you ever visited the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia? Did you ever wonder how it got its name? It’s a wiki-based-encyclopedia.

So what is this thing, anyway? According to, yep, Wikipedia, it’s a website that allows users to add, edit, …

Prepare for Exams – Debunk Studying Myths

Are you nervous about upcoming exams? Perhaps you should get to studying. Lawsagna has a great post on myths about studying.

My favorite myth listed is “I’ll study every awaking hour to outperform the competition.” A lot of students (especially 1L’s) think they need to study for days on end to have a chance at passing. In reality, you can probably study far less and still do quite well on exams.

One technique you might try is to get your outlines ready ahead of time. Then only study …

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