Legal Andrew Featured at Top Law Student

Something like this makes my day. I checked my RSS feads this morning to find that Law Student composed a post featuring the blog you’re reading right now. It’s kind-of a “best of” post with links to articles I’ve written over the past few months. I don’t think I could’ve done it better myself. Go check out Law Student for other good tips on law school.

Goal Setting in Law School

If you are like most law students, at some point during law school you will find it difficult to motivate yourself. This might happen after you get your summer job offers. Or, it might happen during your third year when school doesn’t seem to matter any more.

No matter what situation you find yourself in, Gleb Reys has some great golden rules of goal setting that will help.

In my experience, one of the major problems with staying motivate at these …

Utilize Law School Library for Career Search

If you are in law school, the odds are that you want to be a lawyer. But do you even know that much? If you do plan to apply to a state bar, do you know which one? Do you know what type of law you want to do? What type of organization do you want to be in?

Fortunately, your law school might actually have some answers. Yep, law school might be good for something other than posing questions. Shocking, right?

Free career resources

The next time you have a second, get on your school’s library …

LinkedIn Can Network Lawyers to Each Other and to Clients

I must be behind the times. I had never heard of LinkedIn until yesterday. If you are like me, you might be missing out on a great tool for lawyers.

What is it?

LinkedIn provides an online method to network. Simply register for a FREE account, enter a few facts about yourself (occupation, employers, education – as much or as little as you want), and you can instantly connect with people like yourself.

Minutes after I registered, I was able to see lawyers from both my summer firms, as well …

52 Resume Writing Tips

Like diamond quality, resumes have four C’s. Be consistent with your formatting, style, and wording. You want to present an integrated image of yourself as an organized person.

Be concise, since employers do not want to read a novel about you.

Clarity counts for resumes, as well as diamonds. Be sure your resume is readable and makes perfect sense, even at a glance.

Employers also need a complete resume, in order to appropriately evaluate you.


Ensure that you use plain formatting in your resume to accent and highlight important parts, but do not distract from the content.

Standard fonts should be used …

Properly Capitalize Excel Text With “Proper”

Today I was working on a huge Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contained a column of law firm names. Most of these names were in all caps, instead of only capitalizing the first letter of each word and leaving the rest lowercase. I wanted them properly capitalized, so I struck out to find an easy way to do it.

Proper() to the rescue! Simply put, proper() converts text to its proper capitalization. All I had to do was something like “=proper(a1)” and the firm’s name was automatically converted to only having the first letter of each word capitalized. …

Using Outlook Tasks for “Getting Things Done” (GTD)

If the phrase “getting things done” (or GTD) is foreign to you, I would strongly suggest that you read up on it. Basically, it is a time management system that focuses on recording things that need to be done, getting them out of your mind, and letting you focus on the tasks at hand. There are tons of online resources on GTD, but I’ll just point you to Wikipedia’s entry.

Out of all the task management programs and systems there are, I am stuck to Microsoft Outlook. Why? Simply put, I …

Advice for Small Business (or Law Firm) Owners

Today I happened to run across two interesting articles with helpful information regarding small businesses (or small law firms). I probably would not post them individually, but seeing them both within 5 minutes of each other has inspired. Maybe someone is speaking to me that I should open my own firm…

First, check out the 5 things you should not buy when starting a small business. Courtesy of the Instigator Blog, this simple list provides a few quick tips that should help save …

Business Cards for (Law) Students

If you are looking for a job, I’m sure you have a resume. But do you have a networking business card? If not, that could harm your networking and job finding potential.

You undoubtedly know the value of networking. You meet people, tell them a bit about yourself, and eventually someone on your network might volley a job opportunity your way. Your resume is crucial for this process. What do you do when you are somewhere without a resume? Do you carry copies of your resume to …

How to Catch Up When You’re Behind

How do you catch up with school or work when you have been away? That’s always the dilemma we face after a trip. I’m currently in that situation, so I thought I would share my thoughts on the subject.

Make a list

I love lists. How can you know what you need to do, if you don’t have a list? I suggest that you make a list of everything you need to do to be caught up through tomorrow. Do it on your computer, a notepad, or toilet paper. …

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    Lawyer, bicyclist, husband.
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