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Improvements to the Blog

I really should apologize for my infrequent posting over the summer. It was a crazy few months, but that’s all behind us now.

I have taken the past few days to make some minor improvements to the blog here. I hope they make the site more user-friendly and help you more quickly access the content you want. Of note, I have now standardized the sidebars, providing recent comments & posts, as well as the most popular posts on the left side. Also, you will notice a new page entitled “Scripts and Bits” where I plan to post scripts and other code tidbits that should help out with your legal techology needs.

Finally, I have been preparing some great content and coming up with new ideas to help make Legal Andrew be more useful than ever. I urge you to keep track of my feed in your favorite reader and to check back regularly, as this blog should be taking off soon.

Happy reading, and, as always, please feel free to drop me a line or post a comment if you have any questions or thoughts.

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